Saturday, December 25, 2010

Achieving that perfect fit

Clap, clap, grin! the toddler picked up a yellow cylinder, easily pushed it through the circular hole and looked up at her Daddy with pride. He beamed and tenderly planted a kiss on her plump cheek and picked up a red star. Together they located the star-shaped hole and the young'un tried a repeat performance. Uh-uh. Didn't happen. :(

She tried again; no; and again, but this was NOT quite the same. She looked up at her Daddy for encouragement and he just gently told her to keep turning the star in different directions and to keep right on trying. Well, this was one determined little girl and hey presto! After several attempts, the star was magically inserted into the shape-sorter. Yes! Success at last!

But, but the shape and the hole were a perfect fit all the time, so why .............?

Ever felt that something or someone was the perfect fit and yet things were not going the way they ought? You know, this reminds me of a couple of business partners I know who keep incurring losses. One loves chef-ing while the other collects wines and both understand profitability; they have a great team too! You'd think they are they perfect fit to please customers palates, wouldn't you? They think so too! They've changed menus, pricing, promotions, etc but to no avail. So, what's missing then? The 2 experts have not engaged in Brand Alignment (lining up their skills, products, resources & targets) and so they keep sending mixed messages to customers.

When something is a little more complex and has many angles, it really is essential to align the talents and products to ensure the perfect fit happens. Just like the little girl had to gently get the points of the star to snuggle into the triangular spaces in the hole, it works well to identify how partners can fit into each others strengths and weaknesses. I like Hamilton's Wealth Profiles as a guide to profitability, especially when you have a team of 2 or 3 opposites. They are a perfect fit if and when snuggled well, and result in harmony and $$$$$$ too! Guess what? Works outside of business too - my opposite parents remained devoted through happy inter-dependance and stayed very contentedly married :D

If you're not getting the results you want from your business even with great products and a super team, call me at 6-03-21697704 and we can lay them out, line them up, and align them in a game plan for your business success :)


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Fishing for Loyalty

Oh drat! It's not on the shelves. Sigh. Walked up and down the rows at my usual store but my fave brand of seasoning for a meanly mouth-watering fish dish was not in stock. They had the same flavors in other brands but not the one I've been using.

So, what's the big deal? Maybe someone else does it just as well hmmmm? One never knows till its tried out anyway, right? On that adventurous note I picked out 2 other brands with similar ingredients - how different can they turn out to be? Established brands, same ingredients - had I perhaps been too fussy about Brand Loyalty?

Yes, I tried both the brands and oh me oh my! You guessed it - the tastes were palatable, but really not as good as my favorite one. Even though the ingredients were the same, the proportions of them might have been different and the processing was certainly different since the textures of the sauces were just not as pleasing. That's it; experiment over - it was going to be may fave brand from now on even if it means driving over to another store to get it, so there!

Hey! Have you noticed something similar happens among teams too? Other people may come along with great credentials/personalities, but when you know how to relate to the old faithful ones, it cuts down timing and the results are more along the lines of what you would like, aren't they?

Both products and people have unique attributes that suit them for particular market segments. Often that has strong correlations with the cultural fit of the consumer with the product or service. What does that mean for YOUR business goals?

Well if you have a great product or service but are not attracting the type of customer you really really want, think about conducting an exercise in market segmentation. Why? Because your promotions and operations may need to be better aligned with what is unique about what you are good at. When they do become aligned that's when bingo! you get customer loyalty and repeat business that allows you to focus on expansion and getting new business :)

How's that for a strategy to increase your business in the next few months eh? I'd consider it an honor to segment your market(s) for you, and toss around some ideas for Brand Promotions & Delivery too so just call me at 6-03-2169774?


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bandwagon for $ - the new WOM

Beep-beep, beep-beep AH! an sms! Went to check after stroking my eyelashes with mascara. Hmmmm that's interesting - 2nd one in a week, eh? Went to complete the other eye when yet another sms alert bounced in. WHAT! Two in as many minutes???? WOW! This trend is really heating up isn't it?

What am I referring to? Well, these message were from friends - not spam - to say that they'd had a good experience with a product and were relaying their personal recommendations. Like when you've had a good meal somewhere and tell others about it, you know? It's as old as the hills and known as Word of Mouth Marketing i.e. WOM. And you know what? It is now SO successful that even corporst giants are cottoning onto it a one of their marketing strategies.

During a posh charity dinner recently a Country Manager related how global brand Unilever had enhanced its approach in Thailand and how savvy consumers were making money hand-over-fist. Unilever was founded in the 1890's and over 3 centuries it success has been influenced by the major events of the day - economic boom, depression, world wars, changing consumer lifestyles, advances in technology and now WOM.

Its approach leverages on interpersonal relationships to spread the word around and consumers are rewarded for bringing in more customers. The credibility is high because of the personal approach and consumers learn about the features of a product to share them with colleagues - they get rewarded to taking the trouble to learn and share. Companies shift a portion of their advertising budgets to funding the rewards system.

Yes this is what Networking Marketing is about and what financial guru Robert Kiyosaki promotes strongly as THE business model of the 21st Century. This is NOW! if you want to promote your brand and increase your sales while reducing brick-and-mortar overheads. Putting it together involves a sound marketing plan supported by integrated mechanics of delivery. Want my help? Call me at 6-03-21697704 and bingo! we'll get started :)


Friday, December 3, 2010

Busy doing WHAT??!!!

Yes, that's what I'm taking stock of, at the end of what has been a very busy year. But WHAT has all that busyness achieved? The year began with a sickening revelation and I revisited those email to assess my efforts in that area. Ugh! Ugh! So, what did I learn? Mainly that not all opponents can be beneficially engaged (tried teaching kittens to swim? Give them something else instead) and its okay - even wise - to just walk away from whatever does not match my baseline of 'Being healthy, wealthy and wise'! Did you know that's my plumbline for engagement?

Guess what? Walking away actually helped the other areas to be more profitable, and improved relationships too! Oh yes! All my engagements are matched against being HW&W, and my businesses and other involvements are assessed that way. It's my way of having an integrated lifestyle (personal brand) - peace of mind instead of juggling too many conflicting areas.

So to decide which areas to keep, drop or work harder at, the BCG Matrix comes to my rescue. Try it for yourself and see, peeps! Conventionally it's a tool for strategic marketing (portfolion management by Brand) and isn't that what lifestyle is about anyway? Some areas are profit-making, others are getting there, some are established sources of income and yet others are beneficial without generating $ . The nice thing is that done well, everyone benefits in some way. I am so very grateful to those who have sown into my life and helped me to improve. Yes it surely has been a year of great gains :)

My businesses include Consultancy and Training, Anti-aging, and Eco-friendliness and you know, under each category are activities that are profitable and those that don't bring in $ but are beneficial and meet the HW&W criteria. All of them underscore building lasting relationships as my platform for staying engaged. What signature underscores your business efforts?

If you'd like that clarified, or want a strategic analysis of your portfolio of products and services, do call me at 6-03-42533526? You might want to put more effort in some areas and perhaps drop others.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanks! But actually the smile camouflaged painful tears

Thank you Hafiz of WOW photos! Hey! It's really nice to receive so many compliments about the smiling profile picture on my fan page, but you know, I must confess that it is really the result of Hafiz' skills - I was actually crying at the time. He brought out the best in all the nervous finalists whom he was photographing that day.

Seriously, I was under a LOT of pressure the day of that photo shoot. I had dashed to the session from the hospital where my mother was warded, and was in a hurry to return there at the soonest possible to hear the doctors' assessment of her progress. On top of that, I was hurting very badly too from being coldly replaced by a newer model at work, in an area too close to my heart. I just wanted to be alone to lick my wounds. But no that final rehearsal was mandatory and the shoot went along with it. Sob, sob, the show HAD to go on!

There ARE times in life when everything seems to cave in at the same time, and yet there are people depending on us to deliver what we've promised. Can't let them down, can we? At these times it really helps to have highly professional people around who are so focussed on their task that you can't help but respond to their professionalism - and as you can see for your yourself, your own image bucks up, rises to the challenge, and shines through too :)

These picker-uppers - and I've had a few good ones to rely on over the years - ought to be either lovingly dedicated to your progress OR oblivious to (and therefore unbiased) your dilemma so that they can give clear goal posts. That day no one knew I was crying inside, and that is precisely what helped me through. Many years ago I used to have a wise and friendly couple who cared deeply enough to listen & empathize, and then help me to see the light to achieving my objectives. Friends who love that deeply are treasures! We continue to stay in touch even across the continents.

Perhaps YOU'd like to talk to someone who cares but doesn't know enough to be biased about surmounting an obstacle to delivering your brand the way you want? I'm here for you - just call me at 6-03-21697704 and together we'll get you moving on and up :)


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Oops! Wobble, stop, grin. We're getting there :)

Ah! Sunday mornings! For many it is a time for leisure and fun. In my neighborhood I spotted a couple of trendy bikes venturing gingerly along the roadside, their riders dressed in trendy gear from cycling caps to vest, pants and shoes like the ones serious mountain-bikers wear, going for an urban ride. SO WHAT is the story here anyway?

Well, though the outfits and paraphenalia were what are common for twenty-somethings, these couple of riders were obviously senior citizens who were having fun being togged out ever so correctly and giving their muscles a stretch. The lady was in front, riding along not very confidently, and her male companion was chivalrously behind, keeping an eye on her safety while stumbling behind along the uneven pavement. Both looked quite sheepish actually, but nonetheless were smilingly determined to achieve their goals. And their keen enthusiasm was pleasantly infectious. Bravo!

With humans living longer now, more and more are making serious attempts to eat more nutritiously and improve physical fitness too. But WHY? At the personal level, obesity is now recognized as a global issue from even pre-schoolers on, and, even the not-obese middle-aged are being struck by heart disease! Ouch!

So, so, so WHAT does any of this have to do with Branding you ask? Think about it for a moment. Fair or not, the lively person attracts more business than a sluggish one. The very APPEARANCE of youthfulness / fitness exudes reliability to get something done. Have you seen that poster of a white-haired man in his 80's wearing a towel and displaying washboard abs outside Brand X Fitness Centre? Impressive, isn't it? The expectation is that what he stands for IS capable of delivering his Brand Promise. Exuding an air of good health attracts confidence from buyers. Fitness icon Jack LaLanne's products (he was born in 1914!) still sell.

You know, we had fun doing an exercise at a recent Branding workshop, to match impressions with how accurately we portrayed our professions (Brand Image) and the results were simply hilarious! One Regional Business Development Director of a conglomerate got the almost unanimous response from the group that she looked like an accountant interested in collecting money than in negotiating fair business exchanges! Fancy that!

Try it out for yourself: Ask a group of people who don't know you very well to guess what your line of business is. Your physical image just might be your strongest attraction for customers, OR conversely might even be leading them to take longer to accept your offerings.

Want some to discuss how to project and attract more confidence in your products and services? Give me a call at 6-03-21697704 and we'll get you there :)


Thursday, November 18, 2010

What's your price tag saying?

Hmmmm. That's an interesting pair of shoes. Nice colour too! "May I try these on in my size?" Felt sooooft and comfy too. And offered at a double digit price? "Where are they made?" "Paris! the sales assistant said confidently.

Hello???? That price considering the labor costs in the EU? If you had said made in Malaysia for export to the EU that would sound plausible. But made in Paris? At that price? Ummmm.

One of the most popular modules in my 'Branding' workshop is on Pricing Strategies as there are many aspects to consider before setting a price. Some offerings look to be of high value until they are examined more closely and vice versa too. Like it or not, a price tag sends a message in itself - even if it is an offer for a free service. Actually, if you realy, really want to capture customers who will bring you repeat business, offer a money-back guarantee and see how that goes down :).

But back to price tags. Customers do want good things cheap, but don't really expect that. So if something is cheap, the canny buyer will wonder if the sale is legitimate or whether the products are genuine, or even whether the seller is going to disappear without a trace; or if there is some other hidden agenda. They believe you when you have been at the same location or industry for a long time, or are known to someone whom they trust. That's Brand Credibility and is also where money-back guarantees play a part. (Personal branding also has an impact on closing a deal).

Perhaps you're wondering how YOU might build a money-back guarantee into your offer? Let's talk about yourproduct or service and work our what your customers will appreciate - you might even find that you are under-charging! I'd be glad to offer some insights - just call me at 6-03-21697704.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Turn yukky SPLATS into WEY-HEYS :)

One went SPLAT! Although both looked identical.

Yawn. Still bleary from tumbling out of bed, I reached for eggs to prepare them for breakfast. Yum! I'm glad my coach encourages eggs as the protein part of meals. Like 'em :) So, I pre-boil a few of them, ready for a quick meal when required.

Knock, knock. SPLAT! Hey! What happened?!!!

The brown shell crumbled and the slimy albumen and yolk spilled lazily over my shocked hands. Yuk! this is NOT a boiled egg! Sigh. Yes, I had of course separated them from the raw ones, but hadn't been clear-minded enough to recall which was where. MUST remember to mark or dye them in future!

Hmmmmm. You know what? Products may look the same to consumers too. That gets a first sale, but what is it that will repeat business? Can you remember being disappointed after buying into the hype of a super-salesperson or charismatic motivator? Oh well hum you're not alone - it's really how we learn to sift through impressions and check into the sustainable performance of a product or service. Uhuh - it is OUR responsibility to make informed decisions to check things out. (Careful of committing professional suicide by whining)

It might be that it wasn't the salesperson who was misleading - though it could be that too, but more often we are mislead by our own assumptions and expectations. Just like me being mistaken about expectng the boiled eggs to be in a certain place. LOL! You know what the really nice thing is? After we've gotten over the 'blame' part - yes, we must acknowledge that range of emotions first - we can let them go and move forward into taking control over our thoughts and actions, even in painfully disappointing circumstances. So, the other person is a @**@ but why should that hold YOU back?

What's this got to do with Branding? A LOT. How we respond to situations - especially teh YUK ones, sends subliminal messages to our audiences about what we can or cannot be depended on for. Scary but true, and it impacts upon business growth.

Need a sounding board to let off steam and regain your healthy perspective and get a move on? I'm here for you at telephone 6-03-21697704. It's a new day. EVERYDAY!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sparkles turn Sour

Oh what a warm, glowing, smiling face, accentuated by sparkling eyes! That was a decade ago and Mr. Nice was newly retired then after a rewarding career. He and his wife had children and grandchildren they're proud of, and were looking forward to enjoying more time spent in doing good for those around them. Recent photos of him though, showed a tiredness and resignation. When we do meet occasionally, his eyes reflect pain and disappointment. Yes, he still sacrificially plods on with his good works - he is sincerely passionate about them! He is a genuinely good person.

What on earth had happened? Well, in his desire to be of service, he had volunteered for a leadership position among a group of influential people. He felt that he now had the means and drive to be a positive influence alongside them. 'They' were glad to have a 'head', but he soon learnt that 'they' had their own ideas about how objectives were to be achieved. He had to make several moral choices during his association with them andand chose to go with the flow. A case of 'the tail wagging the dog'?

Like most, he chose the line of least resistance even kept silent when he shouldn't have. He wanted to be everyone's Nice Guy. BUT silence and/or inaction is a decision in itself, and he increasingly lost the respect that had taken him an entire lifetime to build. What a waste! Sure, he was still Mr. Nice but no longer was he accepted as a leader. His personal brand lost its shine and his personal pain increased. Sigh. Meanwhile his 'they' colleagues too lost their credibility while those who perservered with standing on principles gained reputations for being dependable in tough situations.

(History tells us that groups want Leaders who are decisive and directional - look at the depth of influence that (even eventually destructive) leaders from Hitler and Genghis Khan to (peace-promoting) Gandhi and Buddha had and still wield!)

Perhaps you are facing difficulties with taking a stand in your community? What are the risk-to-impact factors to sustaining your brand? I'd be glad to listen and help you to clarify what YOU really want to do to stay in a gainful position. Call me at 6-03-21697704?


"My customer is my CEO".........HUH?!!!!

There we were, a group of business owners chatting over lunch; we ranged from trainers to property agents to software developers, to health consultants, caterers etc. Suddenly the question "Are YOU the CEO of your company? What do you think the CEO does anyway?" Boyohboyohboyohboy! Did that set the cat among the pigeons as like strutting peacocks we preened our smart answers LOL!

"My customers are my CEO's" (yes, you're right, 'gulp' indeed), "I allow my team members to be my CEO's" "There is only one CEO in my company and that's me" etc., etc. Next question: "If you had to appoint a CEO, what qualities would you look for?" Most people's responses centred around "someone who can get along with people" Hello? The odd response was that the CEO should carry the company's Vision. Hmmmm.

Okaaaay! So now it's clearer as to why teams muddle along just trying to please everyone. Do YOU see it too? So many business owners are in day-to--day 'jobs' instead of living out a Vision because it is unknown. So what you say? Well, that means that competitors can easily encroach on market share because there's no brand to defend, employees will job-hop more frequently because work places are six of one and half a dozen of the other anyway, and worst of all is the high potential of getting caught in suicidal price-wars.

Imagine if Volvo made helicopters and baby carriages; you'd still expect them to focus on safety, wouldn't you? That's what Volvo is associated with - 'safety' is the essence of their brand. Oh yes: Brands enhance value; especially the personal brands that independant distributors need to convey when they represent a global brand.

(btw the CEO's role is to execute the decisions of the Board of Directors while Managing Directors are responsible for the legals and financials. An independant distributor, sole proprietor or SOHO would take on the combination of all the responsibilites)

So maybe you're cracking your head about how to keep your customers loyal and your competitors at bay? May I respectfully suggest that you and your key people have a brain-storming session to identify precisely what the essence of why your customers are coming to you is? Is it 'fun' (Disneyland), 'accountability' (Tan Sri Francis Yeoh), fast-service (Pizza Hut), 'lower pricing' (Ipoh White Coffee), 'compassion' (RSPCA) etc.? Your brand essence is your key strength for sustainable profits and you can build numerous products and services around it. according to even fluctuating market demands.

Want some help with facilitating a brain-storming session? Call me at 6-03-21697704.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Go Green, $ave medical bills and taste Christmas too!

Christmas in my mouth :)

Prickles!!!!! oh-oh NOT good! It's going to be another battle of 'will I or won't I' go to the doctor. I really, really hate putting meds into my body. But if I don't my throat will carry out it warnings & erupt into a fireball - been there before. Sigh. Nope - salt water gargles don't cut it either.

But BINGO! Here's a chance to try out that near-miracle oil for myself. Just a teaspoonful in a glass of water? Hey what do I have to lose! Hang on, maybe that brand's mouthwash which contains the oil would work, and taste more pleasant too.

Now, that was a few months ago, and the experiment had worked hehe :). No meds not consultation fees, no unnatural stuff fed into my system and a clear throat the next day. Natural healing and cost-saving.Yay! Was it a fluke?

My throat was threatening to erupt again now - where's the mouthwash? Aha! I'd bought the cinnamon flavor this time. Mmmmmmm you know what? Somehow the fragrance of cinnamon always evokes Christmas for me, and I swirled the pink concoction and gargled my throat with it, it felt like Christmas was just around the corner. Yes.

And it worked again - natural healing from this eco-friendly brand, with the bonuses of saving on medicines and consultation fees too. Love it!

Is there something about YOUR product or service that can be used in tandem with Going Green? Or maybe you are looking for a market positioning that ties in with healthy living or being of service to the community? I'm passionate about benefits to the community and would be delighted to offer some suggestions - call me at 6-03-21697704?


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Better the devil you know, than the devil you don't know?

Oh DRAT!! the laundrette had closed for their loooooong holidays and I'd missed it. But hey! I'd been wanting to look for an alternative anyway and now's a good time. They take ever so long and have to keep going back sometimes; customers stop to tell family stories and don't bother about the queue for service. Sigh. And, getting somewhere to park has been getting more difficult too. Time for change?

What about the one on the main road? They've very accessible and are popular. Hmmmm - The service is brisk and businesslike too! And the load would be washed and dried in less than 24 hours! Can't complain eh? Nice!

But, but, but, what's this? All the above were true; but the clothes didn't feel soft :(. And oh-oh! There were wrinkles that meant ironing was going to take longer. Gulp! WHY do they smell a tad - how can I risk someone I meet wondering why a smell? What a doozy!

You know what? I recall the lady at the regular place saying that she takes extra special care, issuing instructions to give them a gentle spin so that they aren't wrinkled, and making sure they're soft and fragrant too. Well, it's time for the next load and it's back to the grind of looking for parking spaces near the regular laundrette. Sure, it's slow in service and untimely with the returns, but at least I can count on them to care about the little things that show that they care about my clothes.

Off I go, and true enough it's difficult to get somewhere to park. Ah! There it is! But oh no - they're closed! Hah! I rememebr now - they'd decided to close at mid-week didn't they. Humph! So what's it going to be? The newbie who gets the job done without the frills? Ummmm. I don't think so. I'll settle for the tender, loving care, warts and all - I want to be cared for and not be just another number.

How about YOUR customers? Do they know that you value them? Want some suggestions for giving them some TLC that keeps them bringing repeat business? I'd like to help make your business known for being customer-centric. Call me at 6-03-21697704.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Get Customer Loyalty - even when you've gone!

Divide & Rule breeds Fear/Hate; Delegate & Rule breeds Love/Loyalty:

1 "Come and join our team, Coach! You are a part of us" Coach had been politically displaced and lost the position, but not their hearts;
2 "But HOW do you know who I am?" "Oh! Everyone mentions your name as the one who turned our managzine around and made it what it is today"
3 I turned on the radio in my hotel room - 6 years after leaving the country - and was amazed that the format I'd introduced in that radio station a decade earlier was still being retained!

Sure, I'll tell you those real-life stories (about targeted delegation) - just ask me? For now this is about perpetuating your brand even when you aren't there, by creating teams instead of animosity. It is also about how to avoid rebellion.

Have you heard the myth 'People must like you to follow you?' Oh-oh! Believing it can be fatal - causing you to do things against your own beliefs; even resulting in personal losses and grief. Excessive flattering, flirting & pandering eventually reduces your influence. Huh? WHY? Because they're about temporary gains 'giving a fish vs teaching to fish (pardon me, Confucius). the reality? It's all about station WIIFM (what's in it for me). Your people want to know they can count on YOU to build their gains as well as their egos. Gains remain, egos are fickle!

Steps to take are 1) Separate what you must not delegate 2) Be clear about the objectives & levels of authorization of the delegated roles and how they will be rewarded or otherwise 3) Identify talents and groom people for tasks you have delegated 4) It is essential to support and nurture your people by giving feedback REGULARLY at least monthly 5) Sadly, it is critical for the entire team that you remove those who act repeatedly to de-stabilize your teams; like cancer cells they will multiply any negative emotions & results and ................

You know what though? Above all, the key is that while you can delegate authority, you can't delegate responsibility. If it's your domain, then you own it and are responsible for managing ALL the consequences. Be easy on yourself? If you build teams and not groupies, you'll always have a place in their hearts and can win them back if you need to. Want to develop an action plan? I'm only a phone call away: 6-03-21697704. Call me?


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fight! Fight! And who'll put Humpty together again?

The band pulsated, almost drowning out the happy chatter. Just beyond me a rude expletive was barked angrily. Uh-oh! Trouble!

Their companions attempted to cool the scene by separating them - but angry men just want to lose it, not cool it. Yes, including companions who wanted to flex their muscles and get in on the action too. Not too uncommon a scene is it? You've seen it before?

But it was the reactions around that spoke volumes about the brand personality of this retail outlet. The owner got into the thick of it - and was sworn at royally, of course - while his non-retail staff and family members also stepped in to minimize the disruption and re-establish harmony. What struck me were the caring attitudes of the owner and his people, and the caring comments even strangers were making "We're not going to allow anything to spoil this" "Move away, don't get hurt". To keep the men apart friends became body shields. The owner kept very calm, personally trying to identify what had happened, made quick decisions and worked to placate the hot tempers. Staff meanwhile kept serving hors d'oevres and drinks. It worked, and very quickly things were back to normal. Or so we thought.

Over the speakers "If you want to fight take it outside guys!" Uh-oh! Not again in another location? Uh-huh, yes again. This time the teamwork that spontaneously sprung into action was extremely impressive as distance was put between the angry ones and they were allowed to vent verbal 'expressions' on the peace-makers close to them. Others spread out through the room at strategic places to keep an eye out to be alert to further eruptions, while yet others distracted the attention of the crowd to re-focus on doing what they came for - to have trouble-free fun! All of it was done spontaneously, from a common purpose to keep the night as happy an occasion as possible. Woo hoo! Teamwork at its best!

Not quite the routine that nightspots employ when fights erupt, is it? BUT I know this was not a one-off. There had been other similar instances too at this outlet. Friends had become ill, abandoned by their companions (some 'friends' huh?) and had been cared for by the owner and staff regardless of how late it was or how tired they were. I feel safe patronizing this place. Would you too?

Service touch points are how customers link their emotions with your brand and decide whether to come back for more to give you repeat business. A useful exercise is to chart out these points in YOUR business, and derive action plans to beat your competition. Want some help with it? Just call me at 6-03-21697704!


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Seeing the fat emerge & wiped off is believing!

Have you been fascinated by the advertisements for slimming and toning problem areas, especially in belly, arms, etc.? I've often wondered what men and women experience to arive at the enviable body make-overs we see in the before-and-after photographs. Or are they even air-brushed? Well this demonstration of removing stuborn fat was going to be a treat to behold!

The first part involved discretely (blush) displaying a portion of my body while other ladies looked on ever so-politely. Measurements were taken at different points (ok, so no air-brushing). Then the representative applied a proprietary gel with a proprietary implement and in a couple of minutes PRESTO! The change in colour indicated that the gel had attracted fat out of cells in the areas it had been applied to. Or so she said - what was the proof?

Well, she showed us the difference of behaviour of fat versus gel in a jar of water, AND measured the treated to show an impressive reduction. WOW!

Yes - you are right on! The conversation became lively as we wondered about cost, frequency, gender, safety and so on. Our curiousity has quickly been turned into a desire and then decisions all round to use this particular product and its method. The Brands' track record helped too, of course.

The simple demonsration had addressed our concerns about the efficiency and credibility of this brand, and the person representing it. And she, had gained customers who would be willing to talk about it.

Are YOU looking for ways to get people talking abour your products and services? It's a great way to attract and retain customers and their loyalty - I'd be glad to suggest something different you could try. Just call me at 6-03-21697704, tell me what your business is about and your goals, and expect a boost in your sales! :)


Saturday, September 25, 2010

YUK! Nutritious or not, throw it OUT!!!

Yes, that's precisely what I thought, looking at the 2 presentations of pale food. True, they were packed with nutrients, but OMG they looked quite tasteless and off-putting. Bleah! God gave us taste-buds for a reason, don't you think? I do!

(You know what? This bleah encounter reminded me of a party reportedly thrown by the famous Alfred Hitchcock - Director of award-winning suspense movies like 'Psycho'. He was well-known for his parties and to be invited was an honor! Mr. Hitchcock also had a good sense of mischief though ;-). And this time, the invitations were for an -ahem - 'blue' party. Guests turned up with curious anticipation and sat down to dinner. The stream of courses tasted sublime - his chef was the best - that is, after you'd ventured to taste them. You see, the joke he played was to order ALL the food to be dyed blue before being served, and delicious though they were, they were simply ghastly to behold! Wicked sense of humour, eh?)

Tell you what, the women making the presentations (about how to choose well, eat more and lose weight - its working for me, btw) were well-groomed, smiley, informative, BUT were loud and disrespectful to their audience. Add that to the bleah food and quite honestly, if not for respecting my host I would have walked out. Yes I would. They didn't mean it that way, but the experience was a turn-off.

The food would have been attractive without compromising the message if it comprised a variety of colorful vegetables, and the presenters could have taken a moment to assess the levels of the audience instead of talking down to us.

Hmmmmm. Guess what, folks? WE just might be doing the same - our products and services may excel, but we might unknowingly be sabotaging our pitch by the way we package and/or present them. This is where engaging 'mystery shoppers' helps us to sustain and even enhance the delivery of our brands by providing us with candid feedback.

Brand Audits can be simple and affordable and very valuable for retaining customers. Want some feedback about entry-level Brand Audits? I'd be glad to chat - just call 6-03-21697704 and we'll get started.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Access to 6,000 new customers in a JIFFY!! :)

His speech was heavily accented and his face showed disbelief as he asked me "Six thousand Koreans are coming here? What for? When?"

Normally his industry (publishing directories) would not have caught my attention, BUT two days earlier Providence had seated me next to a translator who was anticipating the influx of these Koreans. And, she had said "If you know anyone who wants to meet these Koreans, please refer them to me". Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! What on earth were the chances that just 48 hours later I'd meet a man whose business is to list the Korean community in the Klang Valley?

So, there you are, the directory-compiler received a priceless business connection, just because he stated what he was looking for, and the translator I'd met earlier had been equally specific about what connection she was offering! WOW!! What power in word-of-mouth marketing! Can you imagine all the advertising costs the 2 had saved?????

This was yet another reason for me to believe in being focussed and not in chance. Both business owners had been very specific about what would increase their business, and it had paid off for them. They'd left nothing to chance.

You know, a couple of years ago a fellow participant at a huge convention said "I know many people who might be interested in the services you are providing. Tell me what YOU are looking for, and I'll introduce them to you". Guess what? I could not be specific, waffled vaguely and missed out on fantastic opportunities to increase my business through a personal referral. You bet I kicked myself really, really hard! I was sickened and from then on, began to plan what referrals to ask for specifically, according to the background of whom I'm speaking with. It works WELL :)

Would YOU like some help with an elevator or cocktail party pitch to promote your brand and get more business? Call me at 6-03-21697704 and we'll get cracking on spreading your brand through word-of-mouth marketing that is focused.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

What do you mean it's not about the $!!!!!!

Mr. International Product Manager was most perplexed, and quite honestly so were the rest of us! He was part of my class on Branding Strategies and had the most unusual issues - his company was cash rich, BUT the expenditure was not allocated towards making profits. You know what? in fact, what stumped all of us was that he has actually been tasked with providing support to small companies that were competing for the same markets he's in! Can you believe that, hmmmmm??? The directions from his principal office were crystal clear - no compromising on his deliverables! He was in a fog, and so was I :(

But aha! As the class progressed and we went deeper into discussing market postitioning, I was able to analyze his responses and translate them into what the principal office was really after. You see, their product/service was research (so the Product Manager said) and that is what he had been promoting all along. BUT what had not been so clear was that the research being done on local herbal products was not an end in itself. And that's why his task was not to focus on bringing in the profits, but on profitability - NOT the same thing. Actually, his role was to use his marketing budget to enhance the Brand Credibility (profitability) of the smaller companies so that they could focus on leveraging on his support to plan their Sales i.e. profit campaigns for distributing the herbal products. His role is to influence their customers as opposed to bringing in customers for them.

Why? Because his job was to represent a global name, whose market position is to help others to be profitable, that's why he was 'selling' his company's research. Well, once we had honed in on the essence of his Brand, we could derive action plans for him to meet his sales targets. You see, Marketing (profitability) is about resulting in sustainable sales (profits) that bring in repeat business; NOT just the quick $ transactions. Mr. Product Manager left the class a very happy man :)

Are you positioning your Brand towards profits (quick sales) or profitability (repeat business)? I'd be glad to offer some suggestions on how you can leverage on your strengths to bring in repeat business, and so gain you more time for doing other things you'd like to. Just call 6-03-21697704 and we'll get started :)


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Is Brand Experience over-rated? under-rated? irrelevant?

Her face was wide-eyed with anxiety - her eyelashes spread out like spiders' legs across her pale skin. "Where did you put your mother?" she almost demanded to know!

It's strange yet huggy how families pull together in hospital wards isn't it? Ms. Anxious had overheard the conversation between Datin and me about caring for the infirm - her husband is admitted regularly for a weak heart (my dad had that problem too) and the family had a routine set-up now now. You do, but your heart still pounds you know. By contrast, Ms. Anxious' mother had been a hale and hearty, spry, independant octagenarian who was rudely felled by a stroke, unnannounced, and the family were quite shocked and at a loss to know how to care for her in the best way. So our conversation about caring for the inform was of great interest to her and her siblings.

The nursing Home my not-so-mobile mother is in has been wonderful for her and me - she feels comfortable and pampered, and I am at peace knowing that she is attended to very well, at staffing level that aren't possible in my home. Numerous Homes are clean and efficient, but the difference is that the staff in this one are loving and jovial, cracking jokes, singing, dancing, teasing and cajoling. Their attitude is such a tonic for those under their care! (One of them who migrated still keeps in touch, sending us her updates - such genuine warmth.) Someone else wo had been referred through our experience was delighted at how her mother had improved after an unsatisfactory experience elsewhere.

Trusting your defenceless loved ones to virtual strangers is not an easy or comfortable decision to make and to have confidence in this place is VERY precious and to be thankful for.

When I had mentioned their name, Datin immediately recalled the owners, their connections and their reputation. Aha! So between what she and I had said, Ms. Anxious was most interested in placing her mother there to be rehabilitated after the stroke. Sure, the name was the Brand, but it was the experience that clinched the desire!

How might YOUR brand be raved about and marketed to beat your competition? I'd love to share some ideas that make you business more profitable. Call me at 6-03-21687704?


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

HELLO???? Remember my promise?

Hello!!! Can you hear me? HELLO??????

She was obviously driving and having difficulty in hearing our conversation, BUT extremely focused about getting her message across and not allowing anything to deter her purpose.
Networker had approached me several times previously about getting some tips for expanding her business – nothing extraordinary about that. What made her stand out in the crowd is that one fine day she called and said “I’d like to do something for you because you have helped me” Oh! “What do you have in mind?” I asked. She said please give me half an hour of your time so that I can understand your business. Hmmmm? “Why?” “Well” she said, “I meet many people and if I understand your business better, then I can refer people to you.” Nice thought; nice person, how can I be churlish and refuse? So we met in a little café and she asked all the questions she wanted. I couldn’t help but be touched by her gesture of appreciation. End of story, right? Wrong!

Long after I had forgotten about the incident, I received this very insistent phone call. Why? Because Networker was SO excited about having been able to refer me to a high ranking person who would be interested in my process for blended learning and she had opened the way for a meeting! What an absolute sweetheart!

See, I told you there ARE genuinely nice people around, didn’t I? :D! Am so blessed to know some of them; but more than that, this Networker is steadily building her Brand Credibility among those whom she meets. And you know what? We’re ALL going to be very pleased to be able to refer business to her! YES WE ARE!

Want some tips on how you can build YOUR brand’s credibility and a pipeline of business from raving fans? Just call me 6-03-2169774 and let’s chat a while and get you more $$$!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

What’$ in a name? LOT$!

The gentle breeze teased the wisps of hair around our faces as we luxuriated in the view from the balcony. The well-manicured greens rolled and stretched out below and the twin towers thrust their perky peaks skyward not too far away. The well-located, high-security apartment set away from traffic carried a 6-figure price tag, but it wasn’t always so.

Within the apartment boasted a collection of art and craft from around the world, along with photos of remarkable people. My host was a much-traveled retiree who had been looking around for a home to settle into when she would eventually give up being an employee. She had bought the apartment brand new, when it might have been considered as being a speculative move, paying half its current market value.

“I heard about the re-branding of Sentul from being a run-down area into a decent suburb, and the prices were very attractive, so I took a look at the plans. Everything looked in order, BUT you never know how things will turn out do you?” she said. So, why would a highly-intelligent and discerning person part with a lot of money for something that was only conceptual, you ask?

“The only reason I bought it was because the developer was Francis Yeoh and YTL, so I knew that he would keep his word and deliver!” she said emphatically. Aha! THE family-conscious man who is known for preaching (pun intended) about quality and spreading it, who brought Pavarotti to Pangkor Laut, the 3 tenors to Bath, and Andrea Bocelli to Singapore for concerts that were free of charge to the public.

How’s that for Brand Association commanding a price tag, hmmm?

Would you like to know what the elements in your life say about your business dealings? Just call me on 6-03-21697704 and we’ll chat about that – you will definitely get insights into how people perceive what you are offering in your business dealings!


Sunday, August 1, 2010

STP to a Bullseye for Profits!

Profitable Brand Positioning

Amid elegant surroundings, as the fragrant beriyani teased our palates and other senses ex-classmate yelled ‘STP’ and both of us collapsed into peals of laughter to the puzzlement of the others at dinner! And we had to explain our tortuous experiences at the hands of a supersonic lecturer (yes, he really was out of this world!) who had not-so-gently bent and molded us into Strategic Marketers. THANK YOU Dr. ML!

That was eons ago and ex-classmate was now a savvy and successful consultant in another country and had brought his business partners to discuss taking my innovation into their business.

Amid the tantalizing chutneys, melt-in-your-mouth vindaloo and soothing raitas, dinner talk had revolved around the myriad sectors that would benefit from it and how it could be promoted in their country. Would it be directly to the end-user? Or should it first be presented to the government agencies to adopt or maybe to the educational institutions to declare as their own product? What would be the most productive entry strategy for us to employ?

Then there was the pricing to the different buyers and the marketing fees to those who would carry it, not to mention licensing agreements etc. Well after much animated excitement about the vast buffet of possibilities before us, over aromatic masala teas we finally arrived at how we would prioritize taking the product to market and what pricing strategy would be most attractive in the long-term to secure repeat business and establish the brand.

It was at this point that the evocative ‘STP’ was interjected. It stands for Segment, Target, and Position and is a marketing method. What it means is that the road to taking a product or service to market begins with deciding on the segment to focus marketing efforts on, then to target a profitable part of that segment and to subsequently launch a positioning campaign that appeals to that targeted part of the segment. This road map enhances profitability and reduces wastage of advertising and other efforts.

Maybe you’ve been mulling over how to position a product or service and would like a sounding board? Just call me at (6)03-21697704 and I’ll be happy to lead you through the right STP for you .


Saturday, July 17, 2010

‘Script, Your choice of Media, Action!’ and the $ rolls in for new and repeat business

Experiencing a brand

An sms’d command “Send me 30 topics you can speak about, by tomorrow”
Okaaaay. Well, that was start of a television series designed to create a new market segment among millions of viewers who saw it from March to May this year.

Producer had been exploring various markets for his skills and we’d been discussing how to satisfy the needs of his clients. Then came the break – a national television station wanted a new market segment and that command from him was my script-writing brief. The 30 topics were sent in, synopsis, segmentation and all, and YES! Approved. So – you know how it is - we had to begin shooting in a few days for broadcast ASAP.

The presenter and I began chatting about how best to flow with each other in front of the cameras. She had a lovely personality and we hit it off right away, sharing the same mindsets of how to appeal with our banter and repartee. We heard the Director and his crew and scrambled for wardrobes to arrive at the visual effects he wanted.

7am starts, midnight finishes, shifting locations, re-takes because a troop of sportsmen accidentally barged onto the set or the shopkeeper nearby s’ shutters or splashing swimmers made too much noise. Even more frustrating was when our mikes did not like where they were positioned on our clothes. Aaargh!!!! All these bonded us together and getting the series completed on time was lots of fun and worth every minute of very hard work!

The result: the station got its new segment of viewers as well as a new stream of advertising revenue + a timeless series that ensures repeat sales. All the topics were about ‘feelgood’ responses (that’s the station’s tagline) to everyday situations, promoting credible brand experiences to its viewers so that they would make it THE tv station of their choice.

Getting others to experience your brand is extremely powerful for attracting and retaining the type of customers you want, as a cycle that repeats itself and increases your profitability within your budget. You can choose mass, print or electronic media or a combination. Whether you are a personal brand or a company or corporate brand, I’ll be happy to work with you to identify that special quality that is YOU, and how to leverage on it to keep your competitors out, your existing customers in, and how to attract the type of new ones you want too. Just call +6-03-21697704 and say when you’d like to have a brief chat?


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Just HOW old are you?

Personal Branding in Business

Emotional energy was still sky high and people were buzzing with mutual appreciation after a rip-roaring Convention. You know, just reading all the positive comments was uplifting in itself? One of the small groups exchanged verbal pats on the back fast and furiously on Face Book, and a particular post had me chuckling. It referred to its success being credited to its variety of members, describing some as 50 looking like 30 and others who were 30 looking like 40. Ha ha ha! Visual appearances carry so much weight don’t they? A whopping 55% of first impressions it’s said?

Then, a couple of days later I was conversing with a trainer who had been referred as being interested in what I was doing. She was thrilled by the benefits of blended learning, but, but, but, “I’m 60 you know – this is new” she said, as if chronological age matters. Hello? If you’re alive and well that’s all it takes to love what you’re doing and embrace it with gusto!

Just pick up any magazine (not talking sensational tabloids okay?) and you’ll see beautiful people of ALL ages, yes wrinkles, and all. In fact, with health care having improved, 60 is the new 40 in looks, and 50 is the new 30 – if you want it to be so. It’s an attitude, and not a number. And that’s not new either! My much admired late father was ever youthful and cheekily effervescent, bless him; that too without sacrificing being disciplined or serious as and when appropriate. I could easily understand what the writer of the post meant about not looking as could stereotypically be expected, as being a good thing.

So what are we on about here? The bottom line is, we project what we feel. When people feel decrepit they behave that way (even at 30!), and when they are internally exuberant, their youthfulness just permeates everything about them, even at 80. Ever met someone bubbly like that? And that’s a key part of personal branding – the personal impact that tells onlookers what to count on you to deliver! So attractive – and moreover, what a POWERFUL business tool!!

If you’d like a quick consultation on concerns you may have about your personal branding, call (6-03) 21697704 to set an appointment? I'd answer questions you may have about perceptions others may have about how you are going about projecting your business image and be happy to make suggestions on how to align what you are doing with how you'd like to be perceived.


Monday, July 5, 2010

Are you rowing or sailing your business?

“So, did you get 100 referrals?” Colleague asked. I replied honestly “A potential worth of at least 100 thousand in business done”. Sigh of contentment. A group of us business people were basking in the afterglow of a powerful business-matching session, thrilled by the results. But you know what? We wanted differing outcomes, according to our particular business strategies.

Colleague is an internet marketer who engages in automated strategies attracting hundreds and thousands to buy from websites instantly. For him the number of transactions is the end result that leads to high profitability. Automation enables sailing through quality delivery of high volumes, and that is his brand’s value offering.

I am a Consultant-Trainer who looks for a few select transactions that deliver high value. The buying is not immediate and needs to be thought through. Quite honestly, receiving 100 referrals would have overwhelmed me. I would have had to either dilute (by outsourcing) or refuse some of them. Why? Because my brand’s value offering is the unique strategy that is carefully designed for each client to position their brand apart from competitors and involves analysis, intellectual property and not repetition. Quantity reduces my profits if the quality cannot be achieved.

Colleague and I belong to a 25-year old international referral organization BNI known to be the best of its kind. That’s because its focus is on members giving each other referrals based on credible relationships. It is a marketing platform that creates a pipeline of business (which means pleasantly sailing caressed and driven by the wind) and not a sales station (which means constantly rowing to keep going).

What’s the cutting difference? Branding is a marketing strategy. Marketing drives sustainable sales that ensure high profitability in the long term. Sales strategies outside of marketing plans result in an aerobic puff-and-pant rowboat effort that needs to be kept up and often results in burn-out, high staff turnovers and quick-changes that dilute brand offerings, just to stay in business.

Both Colleague and I rely on strategic marketing plans which promote our brands, cost little to design but result in high profitability when they are implemented well. They enable us to allow the seasonal winds to move us on track towards anchoring at the harbors of our business goals. What’s your branding strategy doing for YOU?

To get tips on how to strategize your business for more profits, call (603) 21697704. I'd be glad to offer suggestions on how you could fine-tune what you are doing at the moment, so that you get the levels of profitability that you want for your business.


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Cackle, Quack, Honk, Gobble and Measured Swoops

Don’t trainers seem to have a penchant for using birds of the feathered kind to demonstrate behavior styles? A couple of days ago one of them used eagles, geese and turkeys to discuss behaviors within small groups. A couple of months ago another trainer used eagles, ducks and chickens, also to demonstrate the same thing. You know what struck me? Apart from the eagles, the other birds are known to be rather lip-smackingly tasty. Dicey to be easily desirable? Hmmmm. Hmmmm?

The geese symbolized having a great team-spirit, taking turns to lead during flight so that the team effort is sustainable. They were linked to people who engage in making decisions jointly, and communicate well, for the greater good. The turkeys were described as meticulous, grounded, calm, compliant, and lacking innovation – reliable and steady sorts. The chickens and ducks were compared to those who are noisy but stay close to where they are fed and don’t fly very far. Less demanding, easily appeased and cost less to buy than the other 2 varieties too!

Eagles on the other hand were the visionary loners, aggressive, high-achievers with a strong sense of planned purpose. Hmmmm again. Notice how eagles are often pictured as ever watchful & waiting to swoop?

Neither trainer depicted the 5 types as working together. So how – in small groups - might those personal brand-behaviors be influenced to cooperate to help each other and heal potential fragmentation? The missing link is the HR Manager who makes assessments of aptitude before assigning responsibilities. When done well, the ducks and chickens happily cluck and quack while scratching the ground to keep it well turned as it must be, the reliable turkeys ensure stability in the group, the geese-types organize operations and back-ups, while the eagles monitor, innovate and correct. Not delicious or to cozy up to – these are the seekers who set the pace with an eye on the purposes and objectives to ensure the others don’t get eaten. Those who stray? End up on someone's plate, don't they?

Hmmmm. So what survival strategies could each behavior type engage in to make the most of their personal brand affinities? More to come :)

For tips on how to align behaviors in small groups call (603) 21697704 and make an appointment. I'd be happy to give you an assessment of the personality types you are dealing with and make suggestions on how you can align them so that they behave in ways that project your brand.