Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanks! But actually the smile camouflaged painful tears

Thank you Hafiz of WOW photos! Hey! It's really nice to receive so many compliments about the smiling profile picture on my fan page, but you know, I must confess that it is really the result of Hafiz' skills - I was actually crying at the time. He brought out the best in all the nervous finalists whom he was photographing that day.

Seriously, I was under a LOT of pressure the day of that photo shoot. I had dashed to the session from the hospital where my mother was warded, and was in a hurry to return there at the soonest possible to hear the doctors' assessment of her progress. On top of that, I was hurting very badly too from being coldly replaced by a newer model at work, in an area too close to my heart. I just wanted to be alone to lick my wounds. But no that final rehearsal was mandatory and the shoot went along with it. Sob, sob, the show HAD to go on!

There ARE times in life when everything seems to cave in at the same time, and yet there are people depending on us to deliver what we've promised. Can't let them down, can we? At these times it really helps to have highly professional people around who are so focussed on their task that you can't help but respond to their professionalism - and as you can see for your yourself, your own image bucks up, rises to the challenge, and shines through too :)

These picker-uppers - and I've had a few good ones to rely on over the years - ought to be either lovingly dedicated to your progress OR oblivious to (and therefore unbiased) your dilemma so that they can give clear goal posts. That day no one knew I was crying inside, and that is precisely what helped me through. Many years ago I used to have a wise and friendly couple who cared deeply enough to listen & empathize, and then help me to see the light to achieving my objectives. Friends who love that deeply are treasures! We continue to stay in touch even across the continents.

Perhaps YOU'd like to talk to someone who cares but doesn't know enough to be biased about surmounting an obstacle to delivering your brand the way you want? I'm here for you - just call me at 6-03-21697704 and together we'll get you moving on and up :)


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Oops! Wobble, stop, grin. We're getting there :)

Ah! Sunday mornings! For many it is a time for leisure and fun. In my neighborhood I spotted a couple of trendy bikes venturing gingerly along the roadside, their riders dressed in trendy gear from cycling caps to vest, pants and shoes like the ones serious mountain-bikers wear, going for an urban ride. SO WHAT is the story here anyway?

Well, though the outfits and paraphenalia were what are common for twenty-somethings, these couple of riders were obviously senior citizens who were having fun being togged out ever so correctly and giving their muscles a stretch. The lady was in front, riding along not very confidently, and her male companion was chivalrously behind, keeping an eye on her safety while stumbling behind along the uneven pavement. Both looked quite sheepish actually, but nonetheless were smilingly determined to achieve their goals. And their keen enthusiasm was pleasantly infectious. Bravo!

With humans living longer now, more and more are making serious attempts to eat more nutritiously and improve physical fitness too. But WHY? At the personal level, obesity is now recognized as a global issue from even pre-schoolers on, and, even the not-obese middle-aged are being struck by heart disease! Ouch!

So, so, so WHAT does any of this have to do with Branding you ask? Think about it for a moment. Fair or not, the lively person attracts more business than a sluggish one. The very APPEARANCE of youthfulness / fitness exudes reliability to get something done. Have you seen that poster of a white-haired man in his 80's wearing a towel and displaying washboard abs outside Brand X Fitness Centre? Impressive, isn't it? The expectation is that what he stands for IS capable of delivering his Brand Promise. Exuding an air of good health attracts confidence from buyers. Fitness icon Jack LaLanne's products (he was born in 1914!) still sell.

You know, we had fun doing an exercise at a recent Branding workshop, to match impressions with how accurately we portrayed our professions (Brand Image) and the results were simply hilarious! One Regional Business Development Director of a conglomerate got the almost unanimous response from the group that she looked like an accountant interested in collecting money than in negotiating fair business exchanges! Fancy that!

Try it out for yourself: Ask a group of people who don't know you very well to guess what your line of business is. Your physical image just might be your strongest attraction for customers, OR conversely might even be leading them to take longer to accept your offerings.

Want some to discuss how to project and attract more confidence in your products and services? Give me a call at 6-03-21697704 and we'll get you there :)


Thursday, November 18, 2010

What's your price tag saying?

Hmmmm. That's an interesting pair of shoes. Nice colour too! "May I try these on in my size?" Felt sooooft and comfy too. And offered at a double digit price? "Where are they made?" "Paris! the sales assistant said confidently.

Hello???? That price considering the labor costs in the EU? If you had said made in Malaysia for export to the EU that would sound plausible. But made in Paris? At that price? Ummmm.

One of the most popular modules in my 'Branding' workshop is on Pricing Strategies as there are many aspects to consider before setting a price. Some offerings look to be of high value until they are examined more closely and vice versa too. Like it or not, a price tag sends a message in itself - even if it is an offer for a free service. Actually, if you realy, really want to capture customers who will bring you repeat business, offer a money-back guarantee and see how that goes down :).

But back to price tags. Customers do want good things cheap, but don't really expect that. So if something is cheap, the canny buyer will wonder if the sale is legitimate or whether the products are genuine, or even whether the seller is going to disappear without a trace; or if there is some other hidden agenda. They believe you when you have been at the same location or industry for a long time, or are known to someone whom they trust. That's Brand Credibility and is also where money-back guarantees play a part. (Personal branding also has an impact on closing a deal).

Perhaps you're wondering how YOU might build a money-back guarantee into your offer? Let's talk about yourproduct or service and work our what your customers will appreciate - you might even find that you are under-charging! I'd be glad to offer some insights - just call me at 6-03-21697704.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Turn yukky SPLATS into WEY-HEYS :)

One went SPLAT! Although both looked identical.

Yawn. Still bleary from tumbling out of bed, I reached for eggs to prepare them for breakfast. Yum! I'm glad my coach encourages eggs as the protein part of meals. Like 'em :) So, I pre-boil a few of them, ready for a quick meal when required.

Knock, knock. SPLAT! Hey! What happened?!!!

The brown shell crumbled and the slimy albumen and yolk spilled lazily over my shocked hands. Yuk! this is NOT a boiled egg! Sigh. Yes, I had of course separated them from the raw ones, but hadn't been clear-minded enough to recall which was where. MUST remember to mark or dye them in future!

Hmmmmm. You know what? Products may look the same to consumers too. That gets a first sale, but what is it that will repeat business? Can you remember being disappointed after buying into the hype of a super-salesperson or charismatic motivator? Oh well hum you're not alone - it's really how we learn to sift through impressions and check into the sustainable performance of a product or service. Uhuh - it is OUR responsibility to make informed decisions to check things out. (Careful of committing professional suicide by whining)

It might be that it wasn't the salesperson who was misleading - though it could be that too, but more often we are mislead by our own assumptions and expectations. Just like me being mistaken about expectng the boiled eggs to be in a certain place. LOL! You know what the really nice thing is? After we've gotten over the 'blame' part - yes, we must acknowledge that range of emotions first - we can let them go and move forward into taking control over our thoughts and actions, even in painfully disappointing circumstances. So, the other person is a @**@ but why should that hold YOU back?

What's this got to do with Branding? A LOT. How we respond to situations - especially teh YUK ones, sends subliminal messages to our audiences about what we can or cannot be depended on for. Scary but true, and it impacts upon business growth.

Need a sounding board to let off steam and regain your healthy perspective and get a move on? I'm here for you at telephone 6-03-21697704. It's a new day. EVERYDAY!