Monday, February 28, 2011

The safe was left open!

WHY was the Manager walking into my room uninvited? His words chilled me "Ma'am, you left your safe open. Would you please check that nothing is missing?" You know, I'm not sure whether I was more astonished by my carelessness or by his polite request!

I'd been enjoying a leisurely breakfast meeting downstairs over lovely savory pancakes, spiced tea, an irresistable array of cheeses and grapes, and all that with a companion whom it was a delight to have befriended. We spent far longer than we thought we would, having oodles in common and lots of plans for business ventures to foray into together.

By the time I returned to my room I was feeling extremely comfortable in more ways than one. Ah! the housekeeping cart was outside my door and the maid was pottering around in the bathroom - looked like she's only just arrived. Well, I settled into the armchair with the paper when the black-suited, sombre Manager walked in with his startling announcement. The maid must have called him immediately!! Fancy that!

Well I did check the contents of the safe and nothing was missing, BUT I remain highly impressed by how the staff handled the whole thing. Aren't you?

Actually, throughout my brief stay at this hotel, the staff - even from the drivers who met me - had gone out of their way to be extremely helpful and courteous. Their behaviors speak volumes not only about their characters, but also of the training they must have been given. Of course I wrote to compliment their Management - they needed to know that their investment in Training is well worth it!

Would you too like to rest easy knowing that your staff members are selling YOUR brand to perfection? Just call me on 6-03-21697704 and we'll do a gap analysis of where you are and where you'd like to be, and plan how your staff can be trained to get you there!


Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Gracious Bank Officer

What do you mean the bank account number is wrong! How ever am I going to have the $ traced and retrieved then?!!! OMG! that email was an absolute shocker!

Earlier, the company overseas had requested my payment by a deadline (fair enough) but which was not possible to meet becaue of a stretch of local holidays coming up. So we had been in communication via phone and email to arrange for an extension. Nice! So, after the holidays I hot-footed it to the bank and sent what they wanted via telegraphic transfer. Done and dusted wouldn't you think? All I had to do was await their confirmation of having received the payment.

But noooooooo. The next day the shocking email said they had made a mistake with the account number. Aaaaargh! My payment had gone to cyberspace. Horrors! The last time something similar happened it took weeks and weeks to get the $ back. Did this mean I had to fork out the payment once again while waiting for the retrieval. Sob sob sigh.

Ummmm. Let me try my luck - the officers at this branch have been ever so helpful thus far. "So sorry to trouble you, but here's what has happened - can you help me?" "The $ was already sent yesterday ma'am." Gulp. Then, music to my ears: "Let me see what can be done".

BINGO! A day later it had all worked out without my having to do anyting more; the payment had been retrieved and the company overseas had received their fees too. Wht a relief!!! Thanks to an officer who was willing to be of service beyond normal requirements. :)

Do you encounter annoying problems and have to disappoint your customers sometimes? Would you like my help in devising some ways of serving your customers so that they are delighted and stay loyal and recommend your services too? I'd love to help out - just call me at 6-0321697704.


Saved by the bank officer!

"Hello Evelyn! This is SS from XBank!" I was still at the baggage carousel at the airport and had barely switched my cellphone on when the call came through, and I froze. What on earth!!!

"No, I can't come in by that time - I have only just landed, my luggage hasn't cleared yet, and it would take me a couple of hours! What do you mean there isn't enough $ to cover my cheque - I made a deposit before I left, and it showed up online too. Something is very wrong!"

"Let me check ............... you deposited into another account. What I can do for you is to transfer funds from that account so that the cheque can be cleared, and you can come in later to sign the order ok?" PHEW! What a saviour!

Now, how's THAT for good service? You know, everytime I go there the staff are always so personalized in their servic that I would not want to use another branch. If I re-located, I'd probably still drive over there, because building good relationsships is time-consuming and who'd want to start all over again anyway?

Having great service touch points not only brings in repeat business, but I would happily recommend new account holders to this branch too - they would take good care of them.

When customers find your service irresistable, you are well on your way to increasing your profits!! I'd love to help you to chart your service touch points to identify which ones you can infuse with a WOW factor! Just call me at 6-03-21697704?