Sunday, December 11, 2011

Corporate gifts tell tales, you know!

Sure, it is pleasant to recieve gifts of appreciation after delivering a talk, isn't it?  And often, the gifts represent the attributes of the brand of the host, to promote them. BUT that covers only the 'gift' part, NOT necessarily the 'appreciation'!

Compare these gift sets I received after mini-workshops:  one comprised beautifully crafted writing implements and other items which any gender could use with pride; the other contained an oversized mens T-shirt with metal tools.  Isn't it SO obvious that one institution was customer-centric while the other was self-centric?  And you know what? That came through in post-workshop encounters too!  One came back with expressions of warmth while the other - would you believe - wrote to ask for commercial information free-of-charge?

In a global market environment where forging relationships and leveraging well can make or break businesses, how we interact with others has a HUGE impact on our futures.  Is your business sending out invitational vibes, or unconsciously restricting your customer base, even with a nich market segment?   I'd be happy for us to chat and give you an assessement of how your brand (personal and company) is perceived in the market, and suggest ways to send stronger messages which build your brand.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Eat anything & still lose fat?????? You're kidding!

NO this is not about only 'feelgood', it is in fact all about being in GREAT health - I am saving $ on unnecessary supplements & doctors bills PLUS having more energy too! How can you beat THAT!

Alex was working with ppl on how to manage their weight - all part of personal branding. He asked for my help because they were developing cravings from skipping chocolates and other faves.  That is BAD news! You know that cravings lead to binging, don't you? And more calories :(

The good news came from a course in nutrition he and I had completed.  We knew that its not about skipping any food at all, but merely about balancing what we eat and when, so that we are healthy & energetic without being bored with our food.  Works well for me :) !!!   I happen to like chocolates & ice-cream and work often places me amidst lavish buffets, but after learning THE balance, my friends remark how much trimmer I look.  That's nice!  And, my stamina has improved too and I hold my own very comfortably through looooong days with ppl much younger who hehehe show signs of wilting :0

So what's the secret then? Its to eat and drink MORE! No kidding! You see, eating less only puts your body into survival mode and it stores fat. That's why those who eat many small meals burn calories faster.  There are other ways of increasing your metabolism too, like starting a meal with high fibre to get the system started.  More importantly, its about eating the right proportions of what you like, and drinking more water too to stay hydrated. So eat and drink MORE often, in the right proportions.

If you have no major illness and want to lose fat and build muscle naturally - no need for workouts - just call me at 6-03-21697704 or email and I'll be happy to share details.


Friday, November 4, 2011

Profit from Feedback!

Did you hear about when a group of senior marketers grouped in a kiddies playroom and delightfully messed around with crayons and other play-stuff?  LOL, yeah?  Well, what they were doing was to get to the actual experience of the kids using their products!

Just like when I described a very interesting, award-winning invention for personal safety to a middle-aged Mum.  "Hmmmmm" she said "what if the teen forgets to adjust the mechanism and it goes off falsely alerting parents and friends?"  GOOD point! And then she went on to suggest how to tweak the gadget.

Really, really, however great a product or service may be in its design, only when it is in the hands of the end-user does its true practicality show! And you know what? That goes for services too!  Yonks ago a regional company wanted to get feedback from its Heads of Departments and requested a facilitation session with a difference.  The venue was to be luxurious; the room was to be large, spacious and comfortable so that they could lounge around on day couches to the strains of evocative music or even stroll around in the gardens outside - all this to induce their creative juices into identifying which company-type to acquire so that they could expand!  Now, did you see THAT coming?  It was one of the more interesting sessions I have facilitated, and at the end of the day VOILA! the profile of their ideal company to buy over, surfaced. :)

So, whether you are selling a product or service, are big or small, getting honest feedback from your paying customers can actually increase your profits.  Sure, those standard survey forms help, but you can do even better by getting candid comments about how to get more sales.  Want some suggestions about HOW? Call me at 6-03-21697704 or email


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Brand Alignment Streamlines Profits

A mini crisis had erupted!!!  Well, that's how I got called in to a situation: a very successful organization which enjoyed a positive image was growing its services very well.  They attracted many sponsors and donors and were really doing extremely well.  So, what had gone wrong then?

Alarmed by the cry of the Chief Executive, a well-wisher arranged for me to meet the Management Team and to tour their premises to get an overview of their operations.  WOW! Impressive! That was my opinion of their projects and their people too. Then it was time to meet the bosses, who wanted to build their Brand and take it to the next level. Their records were detailed and they had good resources in place too.  Looked good but ................  hmmmmmm. Some questions, probing, suggestions, then BINGO!

True, all there sources and evidence of results were there, so why was the Chief Executive unable to cope?  You know, some things are difficult for an insider to spot from being too close to the operations - sound familiar? It might take an objective eye to spot what's missing.  In this case, they weren't joining the dots - their Brand Alignment was ummm misaligned, and so their message and deliverables were fragmented, leading to frequent brushes with chaos.  In fact their resources were not being utilized well and so operations were lop-sided.  Now, this can be quite dangerous to an organization and might cause it to collapse if not addressed in time.  How so? In this case, the resource (mis)mangement was draining profitability instead of adding to it.  What could also happen is that job functions might not be accomplished if there is much overlapping.

So, I drew them an outline of a message strategy which would collate their resources properly, with room for cross-functions too.  That meant no one needed to be in a position of being unable to cope.

Do you know of someone who has what it takes to fun their business but is somehow finding that things aren't quite coming together as anticipated?  Tell them I could give them a quick assessment of how they could be more profitable by streamlining their operations, and invite them to contact me?  They could phone 6-03-21697704 or email


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Brand Names affect Profits!

"What a well-spoken man" I thought, as I was introduced to a dynamic mid-career professional. He and his family were visiting his parents.  It was a familiar story - they had sent him to study in another country, where he excelled and so settled down there to bring the best he could offer to the world.

Okay!  So you're asking what this has to do with branding?  Well, although this man was well-spoken and a high achiever, he initially had found it very difficult to get a job.  He was literally tearing his hair out in frustration! Then someone who had received his resume called him for an interview.  Wowee! A breakthrough - and a revealing one too, as it happened.  The interviewer said "It is so nice to know that you speak good English; because of your name I wasn't sure and it is important to my business that my staff speak well". Yes, personal brands do affect company brands, don't they?

So, guess what happened?  From that day on Harinder became known as Harry and his career path rocketed in tandem with his abilities!  Sorry Shakespeare but this doesn't always hold true: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" (from Romeo and Juliet).

This is a phenomenan known as Brand Dissonance i.e. when the image doesn't match the delivery and it could happen in any part of a company's chain of the delivery of its products or services.  Is your Brand aligned well, in terms of image and delivery?

Actually its quite hard to beobjective about something that we are close to, and it helps to get an objective opinion from a third party as to whether we are projecting a profitable image.  If you'd like my help in this area just call 603-21697704 or email and we could chat about what you have in mind?


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Product Placement can boost profits while reducing costs

Hmmmm. Kinda empty.  Business was slow because of the holidays.  The owner of the hair salon plonked himself down in the chair next to me to chat - he'd just taken the place over and had become its sole owner instead of a partner and came more often now, intent on boosting his business.

The tv show? At Owner's greeting I recoiled at the memory of poor support from a penny-pinching producer which had me doing my own hair - without any tools! Aaargh! You know what?  After that particular shoot I decided I was going to have to budget for my own assistant in future. Sigh :(

On Owner's mind were ideas for re-vamping the salon and we chatted about how to effect visual changes inexpensively.  The staff and he are service-oriented so I'm a regular there - they are lovely and always warm and friendly.  Nice!  All that was needed was some visual branding and pricing strategies to attract new customers to his salon.  Boy were we having fun tossing ideas around!

Then BINGO! We hit on Product Placement ie using his salon's services and crediting them, on my next series. Less expense, improved Brand Reach for him, and an on-site hairdresser for me. Cool!!!

What about YOU? Whom do you know who can showcase your business in win-win ways?  By arranging to cover costs in exchange for services, you could save yourself some $ expenditure while earning a very credible advertising channel.  Want ideas for how this can apply to your business?  Just call me at 6-03-21697704 or email


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Would you invest $ in a non-brand?!!!!!!

WOWEE!  The price of gold and silver has leapt by leaps and bounds in just a decade!  And naturally ppl want to know more - especially as inflation creeps up and financial systems lose their lustre.  My associates certainly wanted information on how, where, pay-offs, assurances etc. and invited a some reps to make presentations.

The facts they presented were fascinating and backed by search engines (yeah, grin).  And they brought gleaming samples that attractively winked wickedly too! Quite tempting.  But, but, ...................  questions remained.  What brought those on?  Quite simply, it had to do with facets of their presentations:

One came dressed shoddily (representing precious metals?) and seemed put off by the incisive questions, another represented a well known company but lacked confidence about the products, and yet another had no business card, office or company bank account!!!!!!!

Ahem! What can I say?  Did they really expect investors to part with large sums without presenting some credentials and projecting credibility?  The answer would seem to be obvious yet there are some who just haven't yet made the connection.  Serious customers want to know what checks and balances they can rely on to protect their investments, and personal guarantees alone simply aren't enough.  Almost anything can be faked after all -even gold, its been found!

Do you know someone who has a great product or service, but would make more sales if they took a bit of time to cultivate their personal brand image to reflect the essence of their Brand?  I'd be delighted to help them to become more profitable in shorter durations.  Just have them call me at 603-21697704 or email


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Great credentials! Good service! What else?

Financial freedom! Ah! How technology has made that so very much more achievable!  The super thing is, many jobs can now be accomplished from home and this is SO good, especially for those with dependants. And so it was with Ms. Accountant:  her marriage had ended and she had to care for 2 pre-schoolers plus put food on the table.  Her ex-husband?  Weeeeell, let's not even go there :(

Ms. Accountant called to ask if I knew of any Accounting firms which need outsourced help; her professional credentials and testimonials were excellent.  She had the skills and the time to do the work from home and needed only the opportunity.  The fly in the ointment was, she had not registered herself as a company - simply hadn't thought about it, because she was accustomed to working in an office.

Does she need to?  Here's the thing: working from home i.e. small office home office (SOHO) means that you become a service-providing company and have more entitlements than a casual worker.  The annual registration fee is minimal and there's no rent, salaries to pay and when you lease or buy equipment etc., you can claim it as a business expense. AND, companies who outsource pay greater respect to being billed by a company (SOHO or not) than by an individual.  It is more profitable for the service provider! And guess what?  You know how sometimes it is difficult to collect payment or deal with some other complaint?  It lends greater weight if the grieviance is lodged by a company than an individual :)

So where does Branding come into this, you ask?  Mmmmmmm well, when the professional chooses a company name, it is the start of a Brand, even if it is in the name of the individual.  Think designer Jimmy Choo or seamtress Coco Chanel.  Hey don't laugh! Even YOU are a brand, you know - just depends what you want to do with it?

Know someone who wants to kick loose and get financial freedom working from home, or even providing services in people's homes?  Tell them they can start a Brand in a small way and get more profit from it than as an individual.  I have a great team of associates who can help them from A-Z and all it takes is the know-how to get launched properly.  Just call me at 03-21697707 or email


Friday, August 26, 2011

The relationship between market-entry and Branding

"I have tried EVERYTHING you know, but they just won't deal with me!"  Sigh.  Several colleagues had reached out to introduce this foreigners' products among their connections, because they were high quality and profitable, but to no avail.

Yes indeedy, there are times when the product may be excellent and there is a market demand, but consumers want to buy from people whom they have a previous affinity with.  Brand association / prejudice / protectionism etc., etc., Call it what you will but its right there, staring at you in the face!

It's like the tale of the Jaffa oranges (text book case from Marketing classes yonks ago) and how they got into some markets.  The buyers had no problem with their quality or price, but wanted nothing to do with the label.  So, the importers sold to an acceptable label that promptly placed theirs over 'Jaffa' and voila! instant sales! hehehe.  Aren't people so easy to please when you know how? And if you're willing to re-brand?

Back to my foreign friend:  He did something similar and tied up with an 'acceptable' marketing channel which fronted his goods for him.  Last I heard, he was getting buyers! woo hoo!

Know someone with a good product but is struggling with market-entry?  It could be the channels, or pricing strategies or even the timing.  If they would like an analysis, just say to call me at 603-21697704 or email and we'll get it sorted. :)


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Personal Branding can make or break business deals

"Don't mention THAT brand to me again EVER!"

OUCH!  That was such a stinger to hear!!! What on earth had happened?  The highly professional businesswoman wryly related the incident; she was quite put out.  Can't say I blame her really.  You know what?  She had recommended a world-class brand to her close associates as a potential business venture, and they enthusiastically met with an agent of the company.  All laughter and eagerness, they wanted to sample the products and learn about the compensation plan.  The Brand had excellent credentials, an illustrious track record and the business prospects were highly lucrative!  What went wrong?????

As it turned out - far from being enthused, they became totally turned off!!!!! It was the agents' approach: she saw they were interested and WHAM! turned into a relentless bloodhound that was after a kill. She didn't give them a chance to ask questions, or take the time to learn their preferences.  How silly!  She'd had a golden opportunity on a platter to forge solid business relationships, but showed no respect for her potential customers.

And so an opportunity for all concerned to develop a new business turned into a nightmare to be wryly joked about for a loooooooong time afterwards.  Reminds me that Branding is an all-encompassing process of delivering a product or service in myriad ways, to meet a need.  Simple!  Just service the need identified, to match the attributes of the Brand.

Oh sure, I do know the frustration of having to wait for the right timing or environment etc., but isn't that better than turning potential customers off?  Delivering a Brand well includes being its role model, listening for what people want, and going the extra mile.

Ready to align your personal brand with the essence of your product or service?  Just call me at 603-21697704 or email


Monday, August 8, 2011

THE ultimate reason for Branding

Lunch was simply scrumptious and the conversation was tantalizing!  My companion regaled me with his knowledge of the finer points of Branding as we discussed how to pitch various proposition. Around and around the various positionings of products, we dissected how badly Sales Training had been downgraded to hard selling and what key factors would turn customers into raving fans.

While we raved over the delicate pavlova - with crisp, fresh blueberries and strawberries atop dollops of light whipped cream (ooooo SO sinfully yummy) - we extracted what a good Sales Training program ought to deliver, and listed the processes involved.  Done professionally, salesmanship ought to be about helping a consumer to meet a need in ways that make him or her look to you as a problem-solver to turn to again.  Absolutely NOT the too-often pushy pest that one dreads meeting and tries hard to avoid :(

Right - so that's the Sales process - well, the way it should be anyway.  But what does it have to do with Branding?  The end purpose for building a Brand is for the owner to richly cash out, ot leave a lucrative legacy or even both if possible!  This is the result of achieving Brand Value that customers are willing to pay for.  Aha! My deep and articulate companion smartly pointed out "so then Brand Building is about selling then, isn't it?"  Can't argue with that hehehe.  For my part of the process, it's about training staff to do things in a way thta is unique to their company so that customers buy that set of unique deliverable!  In essence it's about showing howto deliver the Brand to get repeat sales! Ta da!

We'd gotten to sipping a potent blend of aromatic coffee to wash down our creamy indulgences, and decide that it had been a most satisfying lunch time, getting to the nub of pitching propositions which customers would be delighted with.

Would it delight you to have your staff understand what is so unique about your business, and project it so that it becomes an increasingly lucrative venture?  Well, I would so love to help you with that!  Just call me at 603-21697704 or email and you're there :)


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Brand strategy wear-out from overplay

Amidst an unusually hectic week I'd come in late to hear strange noises from my old faithful fridge. oh oh!  And was that the beginnings of a puddle at its base?  But then, it was still cold on the inside and I was soooooo tired!  So off to bed it was.

But oh oh again, when I opened it the next morning, overnight the temperature had warmed. Sigh. No option but to pay attention and replace the fridge which had served me well and was now at the end of its abilities.  I dashed off to get that sorted before the day's appointments and by evening, ta da! a new fridge was cooling my food and drinks.

Oh how interesting!  The fruit felt so fresh and crisp against my tongue!  Luscious!  And the drinks were more smackingly refreshing now!  Hmmmm.  How did I miss the gradual loss of efficiency in the old one?

You know, this happens in marketing strategies too?  Oh Yes!  A few years ago I had experienced an organization's recruitment strategy that aroused great excitement among its staff and their customers.  Oh my, were they all raring to go!  But over time, their method seemed to become routine and wear thin - both efforts and results were less than robust.  BUT their bosses kept churning it out, to everyone's weariness.

Are you too wondering why something that used be explosively vibrant for you just isn't cutting it anymore?  What CAN business owners do to keep their Brands from going stale?  Change agents will advise you to do the same things differently e.g. change seating, times, sequence etc and sure, that'll work.  And yes, I can suggest some fun changes you could make to some tried-and-tested same-old same-olds.

But even more powerful is to regularly take the temperature of how your Brand is performing and then plan to please your markets in the ways they want.  The Digital Age has sharpened and accelerated how to please customers and I'd be glad to share some ideas with you for getting feedback and responding in new ways!  Call me at +603-21697704 or email


Monday, July 25, 2011

Personal Branding: its role in any Company's image

The mid-career lady turned, looked at me wide-eyed and asked "WHO is this fellow?  Is he really their employee or senior officer?"  Ouch & SO UGLY!!!

You know, I really love the part of what I do where I groom ppl who are new in their positions, because of the joy it brings when they become successful from applying their new knowledge.  So, I had partnered with a newbie to show her the ropes.  We had paid to attend a formal training session and while the substance was excellent, the delivery was quite remarkably shocking!

The trainer knew the subject matter well but was sooooooo unprofessional in his awkward attempts to bond with the participatns - using foul language, crude phrases, boasting, talking down etc. to project himself as a 'regular' guy.  Sadly, he forgot his role and context.  Yes, I've seen this before:  there was this other trainer who insisted that her classes call her 'sister', and had to endure her singing to them as well. SIGH.  Neither of hese trainers put their professions first and (knowingly or not) were plain ego-tripping. :(.  Both had been hired by very prominent companies to groom their ppl and OMG! had become confused about their WHY and HOW.

Hmmmmm.  Guess what folks?  That is one of many key differences between subject matter experts and Certified Professional Trainers (CPT's). CPT's know that our roles are to be warm, friendly, and nurturing, but never personal.  No inappropriate words, gestures, or behaviors represent any company to its best advantage.

A company's points of engagement with customers is critical to how that company is perceived.  Sales may still take place,, but profitability becomes compromised when representatives are unable to see themselves as projecting a brand.  This is true (and even more critical) for sole proprietors who have a Brand Essence to capitalize on.

Here's where personal branding becomes an essential part of sustainable profitability - it is even more reliable than an image or credentials.  Personal branding is about what ppl experience over time and includes a multitude of areas.  It is a very satisfying area for me to coach ppl in and be a witness to the transformation they achieve for themselves!

Do you know someone who'd benefit from coaching in personal branding to achieve their business goals?  Please have them call me at +603-21697704 or email


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Interpersonal skills impact Brand Delivery

Shhhh!  I think I'm going to resign too, you know.  OH NO!

Sigh, she is SUCH a nice person who goes out of her way to please, BUT her complaints were only echoes of what others had said :(  Can you believe that until a year ago the staff had been one big happy family, joking and sharing their comments about music, clubs etc. with customers?  And then POW! They began resigning one by one.  Some left quietly; others became sullen before leaving, yet another - bless her heart - wrote on my bill that it had been paid when I don't remember having done so. Ooops!  And now this disappointing whisper in my ear.

So what's the AXE factor?  Yes, you guessed it - a new manager.  Now, I can tell you that he says and does the right things but, not pleasantly.  He doesn't connect with the customers and he irritates the hell out of the staff - hence the series of resignations.  WHY does the owner keep him?  No prizes for guessing: he can push products - it's all about the immediate $$$$$$ and not about customer loyalty or recommendations.  Owner hasn't got it that it is more expensive to acquire customers than to retain them. (The upside to this is they treat me like platinum because I'm one of the few regulars.  It's an ill wind that blows no good eh?)  Owner's latest tactic is to install elegant coffee machines on the premises to keep us happy. Fancy that!

Definitely a Branding problem wouldn't you say? Owner himself is warm and chatty (great that he loves watching my tv show) but doesn't get that his manager needs to be the same to maintain consistency. But WHO is going to bell the cat and sound the alarm?

Well Owner has asked me to train his staff (it's the tv shows that sold him) so there's an opportunity there to improve his Brand.  What will it take?  It involves a subtle feedback system for Manager to discover that he needs to improve his relationship skills to deliver the Brand in an appealing way.

Do you have a valuable staffer who needs some gently but constructive feedback?  Delivering the essence of your Brand WILL increase its @ value.  I'd be glad to help: call me at +6032169774 or email


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Brand Credibility meets Delusion :(

The report sheet shouted at me and my heart froze in disbelief! This was like the Emperor strutting around to show off his 'regal' attire while onlookers could see that he had no covering at all! Stark naked!!!

What am I on about, you ask?

You see, there was this seasoned Group Leader who presented an image of being experienced and accomplished, and there was no reason to doubt his credentials.  But lo and behold: it was a time of corporate disclosure and everyone's track record was being shared while doing a whole group assessment.  And, his statistics showed that he was consistently doing worse than anyone else, would you believe?  So much for his having years of experience and panache eh?  His credibility of ably promoting the Brand was now damaged for lack of concrete evidence although we had previously given him the benefit of the doubt.

You know what the most horrifying thing is though?  This state of delusional grandeur could hit any one of us! Yes, it could, if we start believing our own fanfares without being willing to be vulnerable to our peers.  They are the ones who promote the same Brand (perhaps differently) and understand its attributes and customers well enough to provide informed feedback.  Hmmmmmm - all well and good if we are willing to hear them out, and allow ourselves to be critiqued in order to excel.

But HOW can we get such feedback while protecting our egos and saving our reputations too?  The key really is firstly to admit to ourselves that no matter how good we are, market environments are dynamic and what works in one place or time may not work in another - no blame necessary.  Second step is to genuinely encourage credible people to give their opinions, and thirdly to get another set of people to evaluate those opinions. Voila!  Peeps, when it comes to our own performance, we are not the best judge of it because our emotions are too involved. Seriously!

It's not difficult to set up a feedback system (formal or informal) that will enable you to stay popular with your customer - I'd be glad to provide an objective view.  Just call me at +603-21697704 or email and we'll get started.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Brand Credibility aka 'the proof of the pudding is in the eating of it'

Bing-bing! Bing-bing! went my phone, rudely demanding my attention when I was busy.  I glanced at the screen and didn't even recognize the sender.  And the message?  WOW! WHO was this????? I just had to find out.

Ha ha ha! I was delighted to find that it was someone whom I had not met for several months and we happily caught up with each others' news. She had seen a recent photo of me and reacted: "What have you been doing or taking? You are really looking good and I want to know your secret!!!! I have desperately been trying ALL sorts and NOTHING is working :( Aha! Now THAT is Brand Credibility at its best, and I was really pleased to be able to share my not-so 'secrets' with her :)

And you know what?  Just last week when I stopped off at a regular supplier, she had asked a similar question and then too I was able to tell her how she too could benefit from that brand too!  Have you noticed that people don't want to be sold to, but prefer to buy ie make their own choice of which brand to spend their money on?

There are ever so many good products available, with great credentials too, so competition is very keen. But NOTHING beats a personal brand that is a walking testimonial!!! Wouldn't you just looooove having your own Brand Ambassadors? woo hoo!

How can YOU have your brand promoted by walking testimonials to those who want to find out more, and get them literally panting to buy from you?  Call me at +603-21697704 or email and tell me what you represent and we'll work out a marketing strategy for YOUR brand!


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Major cell phone players get a 'mystery shopper'

Oh no! The kiosk isn't there - now what?!!!! My brand N bluetooth headset was acting up and I stopped by my usual friendly service centre only to find their space had been replaced. Hmmmmm WHO would help me? Am virtually crippled without the use of a hands free way to keep in touch with clients.

Aha! I spotted the store of Brand H and asked where the kiosk had gone.  His face was stony -obviously, Iwasn't a potential customer.  "Don't know"; his body language said "don'tcare either".

Across from him I noticed that my Brand N was setting up a new store BUT there was no indication of where its customers could get service before it opened. Not good!

What's this?  Brand I - a major competitor - has a store just a few feet away?  What do I have to lose?  "Hello? Would you please be able able to fix this for me even though it's not your brand?"  You know what?  He was a sweetheart and smilingly sorted the problem out for me and BINGO! I walked away with a functioning headset again.

Hmmmm being a non-techie, getting good service is critically important to me, so guess where I'll be trying ut new purchases?  Yes, that staffer has attracted new business by representing his brand well.  Brand H is one I shall avoid like the plague as customer service doesn't seem to be a priority, and brand N will be getting an earful about not giving customers directions for where else to be serviced when there kiosk moved!

One of the modules in my workshop 'Branding as a Business Strategy' is titled 'Who is telling your Brand's story' and it is about identifying how Brands are perceived to be delivered.  The activities are about ensuring that those who are delivering your brand are attracting repeat business for you.

Would you like my help in identifying how your informal Brand Ambassadors can do more for you?  Call me on +603-21697704 or email and we'll chat about it, shall we?


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Delivering Value vs Cost; avoiding price wars :)

You know, my work usign mobile devices to help adults to improve their performance has been fraught with frustrations and seasoned with success.  What am I talking about?  Well, I have spent YEARS doing research (which repeatedly won awards for the academic researcher) and have gathered the proof that my method is likeable, cheap and effective! SO are ppl falling over to adopt it? NO! Why???? Ahem!

A typical response:  The Executive Director of a Training Provider invited me to give her staff a demonstration because she wanted to include Mobile Coach in their programs.  The late morning was spent answering their questions which showed clearly that they had no motivation for changing the status quo.  Well to spare you, that's my brief description of the demo and I'll leave the rest to your imagination :(.  Hmmm so what's new - I just chalked it up to experience and got on with my day.

But hehehe, lo and behold when I checked Facebook that evening, someone had written excitedly about discovering photos of my work using mobile devices for Learning.  He was positively ecstatic because a client had asked him to include virtual learning, and there it was - my examples before his very eyes!!!!! The next morning we chatted about how to work together to please his client (a global, blue chip company - a keeper) so that everyone would benefit. And in the works is a licensing Agreement between us YAY!!!!

YES! Overnight my blues turned into rainbows because I'd focused on delivering Value instead of maintaining the status quo of the market.  This has EVERYTHING to do with Brand Value and sustainability, not to mention creating a competitive advantage for your Brand.  Branding is meant to lock in your customers and to lock out yur competitors! 

Want some ideas for delivering your Brand differently?  Call me at +603-21697704 and I'll be happy to help.


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Service culture? It's a MUST!

"I'm sorry we cannot process your order" he said with- would you believe - a smile??? Aaargh! I nearly choked at his incompetence!!!!! Did his supervisor know he was turning a sale away?

There we were, my friend and I, finally making it to the store amidst her ever so busy schedule. She really, really wanted the package deal and try the products asap and was SO excited that THIS was going to be THE day!! So we did whatever was necessary and sauntered up to the counter, completed forms in hand.  That's when he dropped his bombshell.  No sale? His 'reason' ws that they didn't have any more stock. Duhh!

Well, my friend was not giving up after all her anticipation; we didn't take NO for an answer and merely went to a different section of the store to try her luck there.  Sure enough, this time her order was taken (though not filled) and she would be sent the products when they came in.  Now that is proper customer service.  True, it spoke well for the products that they were in such great demand that exceeded supply, but the counter clerk wasn't linking his response to profitability.  And you know what?  This was at the store of a huge, global market leader with a superbrand reputation - fancy that!

Had the company become complacent? Was the staff member incompetent, Were they focusing on products over service?  It could have been any of the reasons or even all of them.  But the reality is, excellent products can still lose out to a similar offering on the market if customers become displeased.

How can you avoid this in your business?  Getting feedback from mystery shoppers is helpful so are surveys that reward customers for their time and input.  BUT to be effective the feedback has to be tied in with managing the performance of delivery channels.  I'd be glad to help you plan something that boosts your brand in the eyes of your customers and keeps them loyal to you. Like that? Just call me on +603-21697704!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hilarously hijacked! Not funny though :(

I was most perplexed! WHAT was I missing? The couple is extremey successful, owning several homes in different countries; the company they are with is rock solid with a fantastic Brand Heritage; but I remained very uncomfortable in their presence without being able to put my finger on it.

Then BINGO! Friends were very interested in knowing more about their products and services, but what I witnessed was horrifyingly insensitive.  Excited by the keen interest my friends had, their promoter go SO carried away that she force-fed them with an overload of information AND literally held them captive by plastering them with products during lunchtime. Sigh!  You should have seen it!  They were ravenously hungry (so was I) and had another appointment to go to, but were stuck in their seats.  I was aghast and helpless.

My friends were too polite to protest - perhaps that was part of the problem; others might have just stormed off.  But they complained afterwards and the promoters reputation was irreparably damaged!  I was in the doghouse too :(

You know, building relationships is terribly multi-faceted as we're all different, but being sensitive and respectful is essential for sustaining those we want to keep.  Sure there are ppl who'll endure anything as long as there is $ to be made, but then again there are others who won't.

It's about the cultural fit - about HOW things are done to please customers and retain them.  Hard selling tactics gain in the short term, but also foster high fallout rates.  I really do believe that sales tactics ought to be the end result of marketing strategies that benefit and retain customers, NOT just to fulfil unrealistic quotas.

Why waste time and resources on damage control? If you'd like me to be a sounding board for a campaign you have in mind, just call me at +603-21697704?  Together we can weigh the pros and cons and plan for how to please the type of customer you want for a particular product or service.


Excuses, excuses - FEAR of Change

"Excuse me, but I have to leave in 15 minutes because the Vice Chancellor is coming to visit my Faculty and I must be there".  He sounded quite distressed, and you know what?  His pained face showed it too :(

I was in a roomful of very experienced lecturers, most of them with Doctorates - provedn experts in their subject matter. ALL of them had voluntarily signed up for the day-long activity in new methods of Teaching and Learning.  My team mate (also with a Doctorate and who is my long time research partner) and I were demonstrating our work with using mobile phones as part of the process of Learning.

Pandemonium reigned during the first part of our program - it was chaotic!  The distinguished lecturers were trying very hard to link mobile phones with Teaching and Learning.  But in less than 30 minutes, would you believe they were thrilled by the chaos?  But WHY you ask?  Well, educators know that 'meaning' comes our of learning something, and chaos is one form of an experience to learn from - well, if we allow it to be, that is.  This roomful of Professors was absolutely delighted that their eyes had been opened to how their students want to learn, and were SO excited about crafting new ways to teach hehehe :)

What about that Professor who said he had to leave?  He never did, and was happily engaging with using his mobile phone in ways he'd never tried before.  SUCCESS! Mission accomplished!

And WHAT does this have to do with building a Brand?  It proves that Marketing (education and awareness) comes before sustainable Sales (transactions) and is essential for building strong relationships with your target audience(s).

Are you having difficulty with selling a good product or service?  It helps if you identify WHO you are marketing to, and HOW they want to buy.  I'd be glad to offer some suggestions - just call me on +603-21697704.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Square pegs in round holes

Oooooo the platters of food were simply yummy! A group of us (who said we weren't hungry, LOL!) had descended on the restaurant and decided to share a few delectable dishes among us so that we wouldn't eat too much - yeah right!

Well anyway, yes, the food and thirst quenchers were so good that we promised ourselves to visit again in the not-too-distant future. Then, it was time for 'afters' and coffee became a topic of conversation.

"You should taste the special coffee at my chain" new friend said, and went on to describe it quite evocatively. She works at a chain owned by someone who prides himself in knowing what the best is, and to having it served at his up-market outlets too. BUT one of his outlets was not doing well, and they were in the expensive process of re-locating it. WHAT had gone wrong??????

The food was good, the drinks were good, the service was good, the furnishings were classy - and, all the other outlets were doing well, soooooooo? Well, it so happened that when the market planning was being done they had over-estimated the tastes of those who patronized that particular mall, and so the volume of sales was less than desirable. The situation had more to do with a poor cultural fit than with anything else, and that had resulted in heavy $ losses.

Has that ever happened to you? Ever felt like a square peg in a round hole? When you realize that your environment and you are incompatible, don't blame yourself if you have tried to make the adjustments and it has not worked out. Just move on, because the core values of your products and services won't be well received. At the personal level, you may be misunderstood, no matter how hard you try. At the retail level, the volume of sales probably won't justify the overheads. Hanging in there heroically might cause heartache in addition to $ losses :(

If you are experiencing losses and aren't sure why, do call me at 6-03-21697704 and we can go over the manyfacets of marketing and sales that affect your type of business.


Saturday, April 30, 2011


OMG!!! What am I going to do??????? Dash it!

A sign saying 'Parking full' is disastrous when going to meet a client, but then again it's become increasingly common :(.  So, I've taken to calling ahead to ask for advice on where to park.

Aha, guess what!  There's a new take on this town when someone says "just follow xxxxx then go yyyy and you'll come to spaces reserved especially for you" WOWEE!!! That makes it really easy to do business with such clients and creates positive branding for them too, doesn't it?

How often are we cheated of a customer just because of circumstantial hurdles and barriers between them and us? Sob, sob - we may not even know.  Sigh. Is there a way forward?

Well it is really a lot of fun to work out the process of doing business with someone, then coming up with ways of making it easier!  All it takes is a bit of brainstorming, lots of paper, a good dose of chuckles, some honest analysis and feedback and voila!  You too can build your brand by making it easier for customers to do business with you.  Nice way to reduce the competition, eh?

I'd be glad to help you chart it out, and to make innovative suggestions you can use too!  You know what to do - just call me on 603-21697704


Product placements WOW your customers!

Remember seeing a line of red cups embellished with the words 'Coca Cola' on the judges table in a popular series?  They caught your eye EVERY week didn't they?  What about that jar of Nescafe displayed during a movie? Or those oo la la gowns at red carpet events shouting out the names of their designers? Woo hoo!  Those brands surely made their mark to millions of viewers in just a short time!!!! Can you imagine what that kind of exposure is worth in advertising $?

Yes, this is a great method for getting the attention of consumer without making an obvious sales pitch.  And it really has WOW appeal to audiences too as the benefits are instantly obvious. You know what?  It can be done with a host of other items with just a dash of creativity.

Recently I planned an event for a restaurant that's launching it's 'eat well' menu - a marketing plan to launch a new product (technically).  It featured very special goodies for customers, in line with the theme, like chocolates with health-giving properties in their novel centres, and the sponsorship of a global leader in health supplements to give customers a certified reading of some areas of their health.  So, not only does the restaurant get advertisements, but so do the other participating companies get shout-outs as well, and everybody profits!!! Cool huh?

Yes this way of co-branding really does add exposure to your products and services and can be used in many ways.  Want some ideas or even a platform?  Call me at 03-21697704 and get what you need.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's about the packaging, peeps!

Hmmmm - the notes in the corner caught my eye - why leave that foreign currency idle?  Might as well cash them and put them to work eh?  I was dashing off to an event in an up-market location and stuffed the notes into my bag to convert them while I was out and about as there'd be money changers there for sure.

The particular mall is SO well managed, lots of parking spaces, staff, access points, vending machines etc - wht a breeze!  They have invested much in attracting their customers.  And as the escalator reached the lower ground level, lo and behold!  a foreign currency exchange booth was right before my very eyes.  Wow! I could get the exchange done now, instad of having to stop later on.

The notes were placed on the tray and he took out his calculator. Punch, punch, punch - shove; a slip with a printout of what my notes were worth to him.  WHAT? Why is your rate so low?"   He grinned and pointed to the well-maintained surroundings and made his defence.  In truth, the rate varied only marginally BUT I could have bargained for a better deal had it been a more earthy location, and got a few $ more.

The trader was clear about how to get the most for his wares: by committing to a higher rental with all its trimmings, he gained access to a target market from whom he could get higher margins. Interestingly, over dinner that evening someone talked about how one of the outlets in their chain was in the wrong type of mall and was not attracting the segment of customers they wanted, while other outlets were doing just fine! And you know what?  They were in the expensive process of cutting their losses and re-locating it, to reach and capture their desired type of customers.

What do these accounts say?  In business it is almost critical to define which segment of business you want to attract, and then have an integrated marketing plan to attract and retain them. How products and services are positioned and packaged have a great impact on reaching your desired customers.  The result?  You'll get the margins that you have planned for.  If you want to attract average income - position your image just so, if you want to attract a particular niche e,g, tech-savvy customers, well that takes a different positioning too.  Aiming for mass markets?  Pricing counts, then!  All of it is a total package, integrated to deliver what you have planned for and to buffet yourself against turbulence, and avoid unnecessary expense.  Well worth the effort in terms of profits and peace of mind too :)

I'd be glad to outline a marketing plan for you and you could use it to re-position your business to be even more profitable than it already is.  Am just a phone call away - call me at +603-21697704.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Oh no!!!!! Big boys don't cry in public do they?

Gulp!  The big guy's eyes turned pink and teary as we spoke.  What now?????

There I was, listening intently to the man seated across from me.  He looked a toughie and was the owner of a chain of outlets which he and his wife had taken great pains to build, successfull too wey hey! Now they were ready to expand, and we were meeting to discuss enhancing their Brand.  What had set him off?

Well, I had asked "What is your tag line"  and suddenly he became very emotional.  His voice choked and his eyes filled with tears.  Wow! Talk about passion!  The couple had begun with a vision, stayed unwaveringly with it, built upon it, and now had a profitable niche to tap into.  When hfe told me their tag line, I saw immediately why they had been successful - they and their staff LIVED it!  And their clients were simply delighted.

So, why did they need me then? Weeeell, this couple had substance and strategic implementation, but their Brand was not widely enough known. That means they were undervalued, and found that expanding posed a few challenges because of that.

You know what one of the things I noticed was?  He knew their tag line (ahem, you'd be surprised that some business owners don't) implemented their tag line, their tag line reflected the essence of their Brand and kept attracting customers, BUT it appeared NOWHERE on their promotional material! Fancy that huh?

The pity is this is SOOOOOOO common among business owners!  We're so in love with our brand and know it so intimately that we forget to educate others on what our business is about. OUCH!!!!

I actually sat for hours facilitating some very senior planners from a financial institution once, and, they did now know what the essence of their Brand was, leaving them open to competitors. They knew their tag line, but not the essence of what their corporate culture was supposed to deliver.  So, they too were undervalued. :(

And you?  Do you know what customers see in you that makes your services desirable?  Can you identify the essence of your brand?  If you'd like my help to crystalize it so that you can shout it out, deliver it, and lock your competitors out, just call me on 03-21697704 :)


Monday, March 14, 2011

Brand Awareness with BUZZ!

Whoa! THAT's something I can use IMMEDIATELY! I want it NOW!

Over succulent ribs, hearty rib-eyes, crisp brocolli, seductive & sinfully smooth lattes, J and I chatted half a day away, catching up on old times. It had been YEARS since we'd met in person - the last time he'd been on a rushed business trip. This time we leisurely recalled the highs and lows of our previous workplace, and exchanged notes on what we'd been doing since. Had it really been that long? Wow!

J had been a producer of tv programs while I had been a newscaster as well as producer of current affairs programs on radio. Our friendship had been born out of a mutual desire to strive for delivery that was creative yet credible, spawned from our being trained in the broadcasting industry in England.

Yonks later we live in different countries but our professional objectives remain transcending time and distance. Interestingly, both of us have specialized in training and mentoring those newer in our fields, to pass on what we've gained. While J is now a sought-after regional trainer, I set my footprint by developing a system to use wireless devices to accelerate learning, saving users $ and time. So, J was VERY interested in adopting it for his regional audiences. Music to my ears!

My blended learning aproach harmonizes technology with interpersonal delivery and has proven to make sharing information fun and effective too! It can be used in every industry for sharing product knowlege, safety instructions, quick tips for behavior modification, etc. - the potential for improving Brand Delivery and Brand Awareness is HUGE, and all you need is a standard mobile phone!

How can it improve YOUR profitability? Call me for a quick chat on 603-21697704 and I'll show you, and share testimonials we've received too :)


Friday, March 11, 2011

How to Rise Above your Competitors :)

Bu she can't DO THAT!!!! (Oh yes, she caaaaan)

Oh me oh my! She was extreeeeeemely upset by what had taken place. We were ar a lively meeting of dynamic business owners who had gathered to share information about what we are doing and how we want to receive more business. Such meeting glean connections that could lead to business being done, and so observing ethics is critically important to maintaining credibility and trust. Those present represent only their primary business, and don't compete with others in the group, to avoid any unhealthy conflict (yes, peeps conflict and confrontation can be healthy too!)

Anyway, what happened is that someone had spoken up inappropriately about offering the same service as another person - perhaps even unintentionally - but competition had been created where there shouldn't have been. Which member should one buy the named product from?!!! Oh dear!

Ah yes! You can imagine what prompted the protest, even though it wasn't made openly. She felt that her ricebowl had been threatened! Not a good feeling in a grop tha is meant to be mutually supportive, is it?

BUUUUUT the reality is it is increasingly common to have more than one stream of income, and you know what THAT means, don'tyou? Yes, it is difficult not to be offering products and services that might be in competition with those you share platforms with. It is especially true of course when there are independant distributors representing global brands present, as products are then identical. Who to buy the products from?

What's the solution then? Easy beazy! Personal branding, of course! Project your offerings to show why others should do business with YOU instead of an apparent competitor. I have seen this practised very profitably in many groups who are willing to gain more by narrowing their field and sharing marketing platforms, instead of being inward-looking. For example, litgators don't compete with conveyance lawyers for example, even though they both may come from firms tha offer the whole range of legal services. It's ALL about having a mindset of ABUNDANCE! It attracts even more abundance. Need, instead of greed :)

What separates YOU from your competitors that can increase your profits? Want my help in defining your competitive advantage(s)? Just call me at 603-21697704, adn we'll get into it!


Monday, February 28, 2011

The safe was left open!

WHY was the Manager walking into my room uninvited? His words chilled me "Ma'am, you left your safe open. Would you please check that nothing is missing?" You know, I'm not sure whether I was more astonished by my carelessness or by his polite request!

I'd been enjoying a leisurely breakfast meeting downstairs over lovely savory pancakes, spiced tea, an irresistable array of cheeses and grapes, and all that with a companion whom it was a delight to have befriended. We spent far longer than we thought we would, having oodles in common and lots of plans for business ventures to foray into together.

By the time I returned to my room I was feeling extremely comfortable in more ways than one. Ah! the housekeeping cart was outside my door and the maid was pottering around in the bathroom - looked like she's only just arrived. Well, I settled into the armchair with the paper when the black-suited, sombre Manager walked in with his startling announcement. The maid must have called him immediately!! Fancy that!

Well I did check the contents of the safe and nothing was missing, BUT I remain highly impressed by how the staff handled the whole thing. Aren't you?

Actually, throughout my brief stay at this hotel, the staff - even from the drivers who met me - had gone out of their way to be extremely helpful and courteous. Their behaviors speak volumes not only about their characters, but also of the training they must have been given. Of course I wrote to compliment their Management - they needed to know that their investment in Training is well worth it!

Would you too like to rest easy knowing that your staff members are selling YOUR brand to perfection? Just call me on 6-03-21697704 and we'll do a gap analysis of where you are and where you'd like to be, and plan how your staff can be trained to get you there!


Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Gracious Bank Officer

What do you mean the bank account number is wrong! How ever am I going to have the $ traced and retrieved then?!!! OMG! that email was an absolute shocker!

Earlier, the company overseas had requested my payment by a deadline (fair enough) but which was not possible to meet becaue of a stretch of local holidays coming up. So we had been in communication via phone and email to arrange for an extension. Nice! So, after the holidays I hot-footed it to the bank and sent what they wanted via telegraphic transfer. Done and dusted wouldn't you think? All I had to do was await their confirmation of having received the payment.

But noooooooo. The next day the shocking email said they had made a mistake with the account number. Aaaaargh! My payment had gone to cyberspace. Horrors! The last time something similar happened it took weeks and weeks to get the $ back. Did this mean I had to fork out the payment once again while waiting for the retrieval. Sob sob sigh.

Ummmm. Let me try my luck - the officers at this branch have been ever so helpful thus far. "So sorry to trouble you, but here's what has happened - can you help me?" "The $ was already sent yesterday ma'am." Gulp. Then, music to my ears: "Let me see what can be done".

BINGO! A day later it had all worked out without my having to do anyting more; the payment had been retrieved and the company overseas had received their fees too. Wht a relief!!! Thanks to an officer who was willing to be of service beyond normal requirements. :)

Do you encounter annoying problems and have to disappoint your customers sometimes? Would you like my help in devising some ways of serving your customers so that they are delighted and stay loyal and recommend your services too? I'd love to help out - just call me at 6-0321697704.


Saved by the bank officer!

"Hello Evelyn! This is SS from XBank!" I was still at the baggage carousel at the airport and had barely switched my cellphone on when the call came through, and I froze. What on earth!!!

"No, I can't come in by that time - I have only just landed, my luggage hasn't cleared yet, and it would take me a couple of hours! What do you mean there isn't enough $ to cover my cheque - I made a deposit before I left, and it showed up online too. Something is very wrong!"

"Let me check ............... you deposited into another account. What I can do for you is to transfer funds from that account so that the cheque can be cleared, and you can come in later to sign the order ok?" PHEW! What a saviour!

Now, how's THAT for good service? You know, everytime I go there the staff are always so personalized in their servic that I would not want to use another branch. If I re-located, I'd probably still drive over there, because building good relationsships is time-consuming and who'd want to start all over again anyway?

Having great service touch points not only brings in repeat business, but I would happily recommend new account holders to this branch too - they would take good care of them.

When customers find your service irresistable, you are well on your way to increasing your profits!! I'd love to help you to chart your service touch points to identify which ones you can infuse with a WOW factor! Just call me at 6-03-21697704?


Friday, January 28, 2011

Can you actually prove your selling points?

It was a light-hearted and hilarious but strictly business session with everyone enjoying being educated about the more personal facts of life. Yeah, yeah, libido was on the list too of course :).

The burly, macho, VIP corporate men were politely challenging the petite, feminine representative of a health and beauty company, but were clearly not taking her very seriously! BUT the feisty woman from the public-listed company returned their questions with a volley of facts and evidence that knocked them into respectful acceptance.

"Why should we believe your claims?" "But there are other products which say the same thing!" "How do we know that these results can really be achieved?" These were some of the questions she faced. Familiar? You know what? ANY respectable business person ought to be able to defend their products and services in ways that earn respectful acceptance shouldn't they. Sure, you may not get an immediate sale for a variety of reasons, but you surely are earning their willingness to recommend what you are promoting, and with pride too!

As with personal leadership, respect gains an audience which then leads to customers who will recommend other customers to you. Branding stands apart from the types of selling that are quick-fixes.

What are some areas for you to highlight? Track records, innovations, awards, research, testimonials, profitability, etc AND also e prepared to defend how negative aspects are handled - projecting a bed of roses without the thorns raises more suspicion than confidence among discerning customers. Which assets will help you to be planted firmly in the minds of potential customers?

I'd be absolutely delighted to help you with promoting your competitve advantages and watch you build customer retention and loyalty! Call me at 6-03-21697704?


Sunday, January 23, 2011

3 Tales of non-payments

1 "Aaargh! WHY did they tell me the cheque was ready when it wasn't!!! The business owner was not pleased about having her lunch meeting shortened in vain and her time wasted in going after a payment that she was unable to collect. Yes, the conversations among us then revolved around various ways and means used to collect payments from clients who delayed them, simply because they wanted to buy time. Not pleasant :(

2 "Hey I have a proposal for you! If you give us a 10% discount we'll pay you this week" "WHAT! but you had already signed a contract for the full amount and we've done the work you asked for!" Aha! Now this particular client was actually trying to wrangle a reduction AFTER getting what they wanted. Cheeky!

In both cases the suppliers were simply not going to do business with those companies again, AND they spread the news among their circles too. That's baaaaad publicity and shakes the consumer's confidence in the reliability of the brand's name, and so inviting their competitirs to enter their markets and steal a piece of the pie. Hmmmmmmm

3 "I'm really sorry we can't pay for the extras even though we know that it was an emergency. We got approval from the Committee for your original quote and can't change that now." "Well we can't deliver the rest if our payments are not covered" "We really value our relationship over the years and want to continue doing business with you, so please just tell us how we can make it worth your while, separately from this contract?"

Wow! Now this shows appreciation for the Brand's services doesn't it? And the compensations that were arranged were high-value meetings with new clients accompanied by glowing testimonials. The promise of a higher worth than was sacrificed loomed ........ hehehe. How about that for Brand Value eh?

Are YOU offering something your customers are willing to stay with you for? That's what Brand Building is about - customer loyalty and their bringing new customers to you too! Nice eh? Want some ideas on how to keep your customers in and your competitors out? Call me at 6-03-21697704 and we'll start work on that.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Efficiency + Charm = Loyal $

Drat! That thump, thump, thump, was a flat tyre! And I was in a hurry too! My regular mechanic quickly changed to the spare and I dashed off paying nothing.

While new tyres were being fitted later - yeah, they were due anyway - a stranger looked on. Mr broad shoulders, bulging biceps & a macho crew cut stood out in his light coloured shirt while others wore dark ones. He looked over, nodded, and paid my car a compliment - yes, this was THE boss of the chain of car tyre & service outlets. Before it, I'd been going to another one that was also his - why did I switch? Same chain, same services, but .............. !!!

You can identify with me can't you, when I say that being only minimally knowlegable makes me feel silly when what needs fixing is explained to me? Well, that feeling of inadequacy hasn't gone away and is compounded by my lack of Chinese dialects and their lack of English when we attempt to sort things out.

Well, at the previous place I did not feel they were taking me seriously (they kept giggling, honestly!) while in this outlet I do. The guys are very patient in trying to explain so that I can understand (e.g today I heard 'element' when he meant 'alignment') and show lots of consideration too. Their manner was the first reason I changed over, but the reason I stayed all these years is that their work is always reliable - when they've given advice or an estimate of when something needed to be changed its been accurate, and they've consistently maintained my cars in good order. Yes, my friends have been recommended there too, because I feel comfortable. Different outlets, different brand behaviours - which do YOU think makes more $?

Behaviours of staff can be critical to retaining customers. Recently someone asked for stock phrases for her staff to use in awkward situations so that her customers would feel cherished.

Now, THERE's an idea for enhancing customer relationships! Combine friendly phrases with genuine smiles and gentle tones and voila! an instant improvement in customer care! Call me on 6-03-21697704 and say what awkward situations you'd like to improve and you too can have reassuring stock phrases on hand to draw from :)


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Is it just a sales pitch?

"Hey you called back!!!" She was absolutely delighted to get a sale, and chatted a bit more, asking about my work. "What do you mean by Brand Behaviour?" Jane wanted to know. And WHY did I call her back?

"I'm with the X hotel group now, and they have really good offers" she'd said when Jane called a few weeks prior. But hmmmmmm - Iwasn't ready to decide on getting the membership.

It's been many years since I first bought a hotel privilege card. My family, friends and I have enjoyed good times (including a holiday at a lovely resort) at discounted prices, and the years have taught me to project how to use the cards before deciding which chain to buy into.

This time, chain X had opened a hotel near my office, which meant that it would be a nice place to take my staff and clients to. BUT what values would we get?

One of my foreign principals was in town, staying at one of the hotels in the chain, and I phoned several times as part of our business dealings. The staff were always both courteous and efficient, but hey! you'd expect that from an upmarket brand anyway, wouldn't you?

But what REALLY clinched it was when I called about private meeting facilities and was directed to the Manager in charge. He was soooooooo helpful and went out of his way. Hmmmmm! This I'd like to buy into! And I did, with no regrets.

So how do Brands maintain the quality of their services without Managers breathing down the necks of their staff? It really boils down to 1) identifying the service touch points customers encounter, 2) setting out the standards to be maintained, and 3) measuring those standards against feedback from customers.

Sure, the ways of getting feedback are numerous and the 'mystery shopper' is a good one for ensuring repeat business through high quality Brand Behaviors.

Have you got your service touch points mapped out? This is a fun activity that takes just half a day to do, and brings HUGE rewards! Want me to facilitate a session for you? Just call me at 6-03-21697704 and we're on!


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Platinum Rule? Maybe not

Mum! The emperor is NAKED!!! yelled the astonished lad watching the grand parade. Oh yeah! His royalness got into that situation by being treated the way he wanted to be treated by his suppliers.

Does that happen today though? Guess what! At a dinner party a friend was proudly telling us of his newest wife's gift to him - how unique and expensive it was. Lovingly, she had taken him to the store to choose it himself. THEN "Darling, may I use your card? - the limit on mine is not enough" Ahem.

Well, people who have $ to spend are commonly surrounded by those who are willing to make them feel powerful, and all parties are happy with the outcomes. 'Willing buyer, willing seller' as they say. This is not unusual and a popular sales strategy; but what does it have to do with Branding?

Simply: Branding is about creating entry barriers for your competitors while nailing down your desired customers. It's about repeat sales that are sustainable, NOT just emotional appeal that a challenger can seduce your customer away with. If a product or service retains its core values while being flexible to suit a customer, then repeat business is VERY achievable. But when a Brand wavers in delivering what it stands for, that's when customers will go for whatever the better offer seems to be. Your competitive advantage then erodes along with your percieved value.

So, how can you know what your customers really want from your Brand? What are the core values of your product or service? Can you re-package them to suit trends without sacrificing the essence of your Brand?

You get the answers from a well-designed system for getting measurable feedback, and responding to what your customers want without sacrificing your Brand. You'll be able to diversify and appeal to a variety of customer types, anywhere, anytime. 'Standardize your core values but differentiate your offerings' is the name of the game :)

If you'd like a system for getting feedback, or a workshop on Strategic Customer Care, just call me at 6-03-21697704? Glad to help you prosper from customer retential and sustainable sales!