Monday, August 8, 2011

THE ultimate reason for Branding

Lunch was simply scrumptious and the conversation was tantalizing!  My companion regaled me with his knowledge of the finer points of Branding as we discussed how to pitch various proposition. Around and around the various positionings of products, we dissected how badly Sales Training had been downgraded to hard selling and what key factors would turn customers into raving fans.

While we raved over the delicate pavlova - with crisp, fresh blueberries and strawberries atop dollops of light whipped cream (ooooo SO sinfully yummy) - we extracted what a good Sales Training program ought to deliver, and listed the processes involved.  Done professionally, salesmanship ought to be about helping a consumer to meet a need in ways that make him or her look to you as a problem-solver to turn to again.  Absolutely NOT the too-often pushy pest that one dreads meeting and tries hard to avoid :(

Right - so that's the Sales process - well, the way it should be anyway.  But what does it have to do with Branding?  The end purpose for building a Brand is for the owner to richly cash out, ot leave a lucrative legacy or even both if possible!  This is the result of achieving Brand Value that customers are willing to pay for.  Aha! My deep and articulate companion smartly pointed out "so then Brand Building is about selling then, isn't it?"  Can't argue with that hehehe.  For my part of the process, it's about training staff to do things in a way thta is unique to their company so that customers buy that set of unique deliverable!  In essence it's about showing howto deliver the Brand to get repeat sales! Ta da!

We'd gotten to sipping a potent blend of aromatic coffee to wash down our creamy indulgences, and decide that it had been a most satisfying lunch time, getting to the nub of pitching propositions which customers would be delighted with.

Would it delight you to have your staff understand what is so unique about your business, and project it so that it becomes an increasingly lucrative venture?  Well, I would so love to help you with that!  Just call me at 603-21697704 or email and you're there :)


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