Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Delivering Value vs Cost; avoiding price wars :)

You know, my work usign mobile devices to help adults to improve their performance has been fraught with frustrations and seasoned with success.  What am I talking about?  Well, I have spent YEARS doing research (which repeatedly won awards for the academic researcher) and have gathered the proof that my method is likeable, cheap and effective! SO are ppl falling over to adopt it? NO! Why???? Ahem!

A typical response:  The Executive Director of a Training Provider invited me to give her staff a demonstration because she wanted to include Mobile Coach in their programs.  The late morning was spent answering their questions which showed clearly that they had no motivation for changing the status quo.  Well to spare you, that's my brief description of the demo and I'll leave the rest to your imagination :(.  Hmmm so what's new - I just chalked it up to experience and got on with my day.

But hehehe, lo and behold when I checked Facebook that evening, someone had written excitedly about discovering photos of my work using mobile devices for Learning.  He was positively ecstatic because a client had asked him to include virtual learning, and there it was - my examples before his very eyes!!!!! The next morning we chatted about how to work together to please his client (a global, blue chip company - a keeper) so that everyone would benefit. And in the works is a licensing Agreement between us YAY!!!!

YES! Overnight my blues turned into rainbows because I'd focused on delivering Value instead of maintaining the status quo of the market.  This has EVERYTHING to do with Brand Value and sustainability, not to mention creating a competitive advantage for your Brand.  Branding is meant to lock in your customers and to lock out yur competitors! 

Want some ideas for delivering your Brand differently?  Call me at +603-21697704 and I'll be happy to help.


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