Sunday, May 29, 2011

Service culture? It's a MUST!

"I'm sorry we cannot process your order" he said with- would you believe - a smile??? Aaargh! I nearly choked at his incompetence!!!!! Did his supervisor know he was turning a sale away?

There we were, my friend and I, finally making it to the store amidst her ever so busy schedule. She really, really wanted the package deal and try the products asap and was SO excited that THIS was going to be THE day!! So we did whatever was necessary and sauntered up to the counter, completed forms in hand.  That's when he dropped his bombshell.  No sale? His 'reason' ws that they didn't have any more stock. Duhh!

Well, my friend was not giving up after all her anticipation; we didn't take NO for an answer and merely went to a different section of the store to try her luck there.  Sure enough, this time her order was taken (though not filled) and she would be sent the products when they came in.  Now that is proper customer service.  True, it spoke well for the products that they were in such great demand that exceeded supply, but the counter clerk wasn't linking his response to profitability.  And you know what?  This was at the store of a huge, global market leader with a superbrand reputation - fancy that!

Had the company become complacent? Was the staff member incompetent, Were they focusing on products over service?  It could have been any of the reasons or even all of them.  But the reality is, excellent products can still lose out to a similar offering on the market if customers become displeased.

How can you avoid this in your business?  Getting feedback from mystery shoppers is helpful so are surveys that reward customers for their time and input.  BUT to be effective the feedback has to be tied in with managing the performance of delivery channels.  I'd be glad to help you plan something that boosts your brand in the eyes of your customers and keeps them loyal to you. Like that? Just call me on +603-21697704!


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