Sunday, August 21, 2011

Personal Branding can make or break business deals

"Don't mention THAT brand to me again EVER!"

OUCH!  That was such a stinger to hear!!! What on earth had happened?  The highly professional businesswoman wryly related the incident; she was quite put out.  Can't say I blame her really.  You know what?  She had recommended a world-class brand to her close associates as a potential business venture, and they enthusiastically met with an agent of the company.  All laughter and eagerness, they wanted to sample the products and learn about the compensation plan.  The Brand had excellent credentials, an illustrious track record and the business prospects were highly lucrative!  What went wrong?????

As it turned out - far from being enthused, they became totally turned off!!!!! It was the agents' approach: she saw they were interested and WHAM! turned into a relentless bloodhound that was after a kill. She didn't give them a chance to ask questions, or take the time to learn their preferences.  How silly!  She'd had a golden opportunity on a platter to forge solid business relationships, but showed no respect for her potential customers.

And so an opportunity for all concerned to develop a new business turned into a nightmare to be wryly joked about for a loooooooong time afterwards.  Reminds me that Branding is an all-encompassing process of delivering a product or service in myriad ways, to meet a need.  Simple!  Just service the need identified, to match the attributes of the Brand.

Oh sure, I do know the frustration of having to wait for the right timing or environment etc., but isn't that better than turning potential customers off?  Delivering a Brand well includes being its role model, listening for what people want, and going the extra mile.

Ready to align your personal brand with the essence of your product or service?  Just call me at 603-21697704 or email


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