Shhhh! I think I'm going to resign too, you know. OH NO!
Sigh, she is SUCH a nice person who goes out of her way to please, BUT her complaints were only echoes of what others had said :( Can you believe that until a year ago the staff had been one big happy family, joking and sharing their comments about music, clubs etc. with customers? And then POW! They began resigning one by one. Some left quietly; others became sullen before leaving, yet another - bless her heart - wrote on my bill that it had been paid when I don't remember having done so. Ooops! And now this disappointing whisper in my ear.
So what's the AXE factor? Yes, you guessed it - a new manager. Now, I can tell you that he says and does the right things but, not pleasantly. He doesn't connect with the customers and he irritates the hell out of the staff - hence the series of resignations. WHY does the owner keep him? No prizes for guessing: he can push products - it's all about the immediate $$$$$$ and not about customer loyalty or recommendations. Owner hasn't got it that it is more expensive to acquire customers than to retain them. (The upside to this is they treat me like platinum because I'm one of the few regulars. It's an ill wind that blows no good eh?) Owner's latest tactic is to install elegant coffee machines on the premises to keep us happy. Fancy that!
Definitely a Branding problem wouldn't you say? Owner himself is warm and chatty (great that he loves watching my tv show) but doesn't get that his manager needs to be the same to maintain consistency. But WHO is going to bell the cat and sound the alarm?
Well Owner has asked me to train his staff (it's the tv shows that sold him) so there's an opportunity there to improve his Brand. What will it take? It involves a subtle feedback system for Manager to discover that he needs to improve his relationship skills to deliver the Brand in an appealing way.
Do you have a valuable staffer who needs some gently but constructive feedback? Delivering the essence of your Brand WILL increase its @ value. I'd be glad to help: call me at +6032169774 or email
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