Financial freedom! Ah! How technology has made that so very much more achievable! The super thing is, many jobs can now be accomplished from home and this is SO good, especially for those with dependants. And so it was with Ms. Accountant: her marriage had ended and she had to care for 2 pre-schoolers plus put food on the table. Her ex-husband? Weeeeell, let's not even go there :(
Ms. Accountant called to ask if I knew of any Accounting firms which need outsourced help; her professional credentials and testimonials were excellent. She had the skills and the time to do the work from home and needed only the opportunity. The fly in the ointment was, she had not registered herself as a company - simply hadn't thought about it, because she was accustomed to working in an office.
Does she need to? Here's the thing: working from home i.e. small office home office (SOHO) means that you become a service-providing company and have more entitlements than a casual worker. The annual registration fee is minimal and there's no rent, salaries to pay and when you lease or buy equipment etc., you can claim it as a business expense. AND, companies who outsource pay greater respect to being billed by a company (SOHO or not) than by an individual. It is more profitable for the service provider! And guess what? You know how sometimes it is difficult to collect payment or deal with some other complaint? It lends greater weight if the grieviance is lodged by a company than an individual :)
So where does Branding come into this, you ask? Mmmmmmm well, when the professional chooses a company name, it is the start of a Brand, even if it is in the name of the individual. Think designer Jimmy Choo or seamtress Coco Chanel. Hey don't laugh! Even YOU are a brand, you know - just depends what you want to do with it?
Know someone who wants to kick loose and get financial freedom working from home, or even providing services in people's homes? Tell them they can start a Brand in a small way and get more profit from it than as an individual. I have a great team of associates who can help them from A-Z and all it takes is the know-how to get launched properly. Just call me at 03-21697707 or email
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