Saturday, July 30, 2011

Brand strategy wear-out from overplay

Amidst an unusually hectic week I'd come in late to hear strange noises from my old faithful fridge. oh oh!  And was that the beginnings of a puddle at its base?  But then, it was still cold on the inside and I was soooooo tired!  So off to bed it was.

But oh oh again, when I opened it the next morning, overnight the temperature had warmed. Sigh. No option but to pay attention and replace the fridge which had served me well and was now at the end of its abilities.  I dashed off to get that sorted before the day's appointments and by evening, ta da! a new fridge was cooling my food and drinks.

Oh how interesting!  The fruit felt so fresh and crisp against my tongue!  Luscious!  And the drinks were more smackingly refreshing now!  Hmmmm.  How did I miss the gradual loss of efficiency in the old one?

You know, this happens in marketing strategies too?  Oh Yes!  A few years ago I had experienced an organization's recruitment strategy that aroused great excitement among its staff and their customers.  Oh my, were they all raring to go!  But over time, their method seemed to become routine and wear thin - both efforts and results were less than robust.  BUT their bosses kept churning it out, to everyone's weariness.

Are you too wondering why something that used be explosively vibrant for you just isn't cutting it anymore?  What CAN business owners do to keep their Brands from going stale?  Change agents will advise you to do the same things differently e.g. change seating, times, sequence etc and sure, that'll work.  And yes, I can suggest some fun changes you could make to some tried-and-tested same-old same-olds.

But even more powerful is to regularly take the temperature of how your Brand is performing and then plan to please your markets in the ways they want.  The Digital Age has sharpened and accelerated how to please customers and I'd be glad to share some ideas with you for getting feedback and responding in new ways!  Call me at +603-21697704 or email


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