Friday, March 11, 2011

How to Rise Above your Competitors :)

Bu she can't DO THAT!!!! (Oh yes, she caaaaan)

Oh me oh my! She was extreeeeeemely upset by what had taken place. We were ar a lively meeting of dynamic business owners who had gathered to share information about what we are doing and how we want to receive more business. Such meeting glean connections that could lead to business being done, and so observing ethics is critically important to maintaining credibility and trust. Those present represent only their primary business, and don't compete with others in the group, to avoid any unhealthy conflict (yes, peeps conflict and confrontation can be healthy too!)

Anyway, what happened is that someone had spoken up inappropriately about offering the same service as another person - perhaps even unintentionally - but competition had been created where there shouldn't have been. Which member should one buy the named product from?!!! Oh dear!

Ah yes! You can imagine what prompted the protest, even though it wasn't made openly. She felt that her ricebowl had been threatened! Not a good feeling in a grop tha is meant to be mutually supportive, is it?

BUUUUUT the reality is it is increasingly common to have more than one stream of income, and you know what THAT means, don'tyou? Yes, it is difficult not to be offering products and services that might be in competition with those you share platforms with. It is especially true of course when there are independant distributors representing global brands present, as products are then identical. Who to buy the products from?

What's the solution then? Easy beazy! Personal branding, of course! Project your offerings to show why others should do business with YOU instead of an apparent competitor. I have seen this practised very profitably in many groups who are willing to gain more by narrowing their field and sharing marketing platforms, instead of being inward-looking. For example, litgators don't compete with conveyance lawyers for example, even though they both may come from firms tha offer the whole range of legal services. It's ALL about having a mindset of ABUNDANCE! It attracts even more abundance. Need, instead of greed :)

What separates YOU from your competitors that can increase your profits? Want my help in defining your competitive advantage(s)? Just call me at 603-21697704, adn we'll get into it!


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