Clap, clap, grin! the toddler picked up a yellow cylinder, easily pushed it through the circular hole and looked up at her Daddy with pride. He beamed and tenderly planted a kiss on her plump cheek and picked up a red star. Together they located the star-shaped hole and the young'un tried a repeat performance. Uh-uh. Didn't happen. :(
She tried again; no; and again, but this was NOT quite the same. She looked up at her Daddy for encouragement and he just gently told her to keep turning the star in different directions and to keep right on trying. Well, this was one determined little girl and hey presto! After several attempts, the star was magically inserted into the shape-sorter. Yes! Success at last!
But, but the shape and the hole were a perfect fit all the time, so why .............?
Ever felt that something or someone was the perfect fit and yet things were not going the way they ought? You know, this reminds me of a couple of business partners I know who keep incurring losses. One loves chef-ing while the other collects wines and both understand profitability; they have a great team too! You'd think they are they perfect fit to please customers palates, wouldn't you? They think so too! They've changed menus, pricing, promotions, etc but to no avail. So, what's missing then? The 2 experts have not engaged in Brand Alignment (lining up their skills, products, resources & targets) and so they keep sending mixed messages to customers.
When something is a little more complex and has many angles, it really is essential to align the talents and products to ensure the perfect fit happens. Just like the little girl had to gently get the points of the star to snuggle into the triangular spaces in the hole, it works well to identify how partners can fit into each others strengths and weaknesses. I like Hamilton's Wealth Profiles as a guide to profitability, especially when you have a team of 2 or 3 opposites. They are a perfect fit if and when snuggled well, and result in harmony and $$$$$$ too! Guess what? Works outside of business too - my opposite parents remained devoted through happy inter-dependance and stayed very contentedly married :D
If you're not getting the results you want from your business even with great products and a super team, call me at 6-03-21697704 and we can lay them out, line them up, and align them in a game plan for your business success :)
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