Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Better the devil you know, than the devil you don't know?

Oh DRAT!! the laundrette had closed for their loooooong holidays and I'd missed it. But hey! I'd been wanting to look for an alternative anyway and now's a good time. They take ever so long and have to keep going back sometimes; customers stop to tell family stories and don't bother about the queue for service. Sigh. And, getting somewhere to park has been getting more difficult too. Time for change?

What about the one on the main road? They've very accessible and are popular. Hmmmm - The service is brisk and businesslike too! And the load would be washed and dried in less than 24 hours! Can't complain eh? Nice!

But, but, but, what's this? All the above were true; but the clothes didn't feel soft :(. And oh-oh! There were wrinkles that meant ironing was going to take longer. Gulp! WHY do they smell a tad - how can I risk someone I meet wondering why a smell? What a doozy!

You know what? I recall the lady at the regular place saying that she takes extra special care, issuing instructions to give them a gentle spin so that they aren't wrinkled, and making sure they're soft and fragrant too. Well, it's time for the next load and it's back to the grind of looking for parking spaces near the regular laundrette. Sure, it's slow in service and untimely with the returns, but at least I can count on them to care about the little things that show that they care about my clothes.

Off I go, and true enough it's difficult to get somewhere to park. Ah! There it is! But oh no - they're closed! Hah! I rememebr now - they'd decided to close at mid-week didn't they. Humph! So what's it going to be? The newbie who gets the job done without the frills? Ummmm. I don't think so. I'll settle for the tender, loving care, warts and all - I want to be cared for and not be just another number.

How about YOUR customers? Do they know that you value them? Want some suggestions for giving them some TLC that keeps them bringing repeat business? I'd like to help make your business known for being customer-centric. Call me at 6-03-21697704.


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