Have you been fascinated by the advertisements for slimming and toning problem areas, especially in belly, arms, etc.? I've often wondered what men and women experience to arive at the enviable body make-overs we see in the before-and-after photographs. Or are they even air-brushed? Well this demonstration of removing stuborn fat was going to be a treat to behold!
The first part involved discretely (blush) displaying a portion of my body while other ladies looked on ever so-politely. Measurements were taken at different points (ok, so no air-brushing). Then the representative applied a proprietary gel with a proprietary implement and in a couple of minutes PRESTO! The change in colour indicated that the gel had attracted fat out of cells in the areas it had been applied to. Or so she said - what was the proof?
Well, she showed us the difference of behaviour of fat versus gel in a jar of water, AND measured the treated to show an impressive reduction. WOW!
Yes - you are right on! The conversation became lively as we wondered about cost, frequency, gender, safety and so on. Our curiousity has quickly been turned into a desire and then decisions all round to use this particular product and its method. The Brands' track record helped too, of course.
The simple demonsration had addressed our concerns about the efficiency and credibility of this brand, and the person representing it. And she, had gained customers who would be willing to talk about it.
Are YOU looking for ways to get people talking abour your products and services? It's a great way to attract and retain customers and their loyalty - I'd be glad to suggest something different you could try. Just call me at 6-03-21697704, tell me what your business is about and your goals, and expect a boost in your sales! :)
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