Now really, would you eat products from an unknown source? Or take the risk of offering them to your guests? And yet - perhaps unintentionally - that is what the so-called business owner was suicidally suggesting.
I received an announcement offering bulk orders of handmade chocolates as special gifts, with an invitation to look at their website. It was very well done and featured attractive designs and packaging for a range of occasions and budgets, with nation-wide delivery services too. Nice! They were made with no preservatives etc, and by a chocolatier. Hmmmm. Interesting. There were photos of door gifts, themed gifts, thank-you gifts - you know; any occasion where chocolates would provide a lovely touch.
So I checked out the 'About Us' section. Choke! Splutter! NOTHING except an address and phone number. No credentials warranting the use of the term 'chocolatier', person's name, qualifications, licence to trade, nothing!!!! AHEM!
Now, what if you'd ordered a batch for an event say to celebrate an occasion, and those guests who consumed the chocolates became ill from eating them? WHAT would you do? HOW would you answer them? WHERE would you go to for recourse? Even your reputation as a host would suffer!!
Part of Branding is about giving an assurance of the quality of the products or services on sale via credentials like certifications, endorsements from credible sources, evidence of years in business etc. If you'd like me to suggest how you might strengthen the credibility of your business, do call me at 6-03-21697704 or email
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