Whisper "You'll be hearing an announcement soon"!
Honestly, my heart sank as I heard the death sentence heralded with gleeful triumph. Why? I had noticed the new CEO's body language at his introduction, and matched it with the history of that company and wondered if he was going to be a sacrificial lamb. Sigh.
Months later I heard about increased in-fighting among their Heads of Department. Uh-oh. One starry-eyed newcomer who was a very bewildered HOD referred to 'firmly entrenched warlords' and 'little napoleons' guarding their turf. Well you tell me now - what do you think the CEO was up against and could do?
More months later one of the groups complained that its members weren't being heard and asked to see the captain of the ship and offer their help to contribute to solutions. His response? "Go through the proper channels" i.e. the CEO. Hmmmm. REALLY?????
But you know what peeps? I saw something similar happen not so long ago elsewhere too, and the name of the game is "I'll not upset my personal gravy train". At the expense of the income-generators of course. Ai yai yai yai yai :(
As I write, both those ships - carrying established international brands which are perceived with much respect, look like they can't bail out the water fast enough to contain the leaks while being buffeted by a highly competitive economy.
No, if the chief Executive is not empowered to act, then the owner of the Brand is its custodian and must act to align the Brand to maintain its integrity and sustain its Brand Image in the marketplace. It is true when they say you must nip trouble in the bud or prepare to lose the fruit!
Perhaps you are facing operational difficulties and find that you are fighting fires to keep afloat? What are your options? Being so close to the daily grind, there may be some you've not thought of and I'll be glad to hear your out and offer some viable ones for you to consider.
Cheer up? Give me a call at 6-03-21697704 or email evelyn@atheneumgroup.net.
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