Sunday, November 6, 2011

Eat anything & still lose fat?????? You're kidding!

NO this is not about only 'feelgood', it is in fact all about being in GREAT health - I am saving $ on unnecessary supplements & doctors bills PLUS having more energy too! How can you beat THAT!

Alex was working with ppl on how to manage their weight - all part of personal branding. He asked for my help because they were developing cravings from skipping chocolates and other faves.  That is BAD news! You know that cravings lead to binging, don't you? And more calories :(

The good news came from a course in nutrition he and I had completed.  We knew that its not about skipping any food at all, but merely about balancing what we eat and when, so that we are healthy & energetic without being bored with our food.  Works well for me :) !!!   I happen to like chocolates & ice-cream and work often places me amidst lavish buffets, but after learning THE balance, my friends remark how much trimmer I look.  That's nice!  And, my stamina has improved too and I hold my own very comfortably through looooong days with ppl much younger who hehehe show signs of wilting :0

So what's the secret then? Its to eat and drink MORE! No kidding! You see, eating less only puts your body into survival mode and it stores fat. That's why those who eat many small meals burn calories faster.  There are other ways of increasing your metabolism too, like starting a meal with high fibre to get the system started.  More importantly, its about eating the right proportions of what you like, and drinking more water too to stay hydrated. So eat and drink MORE often, in the right proportions.

If you have no major illness and want to lose fat and build muscle naturally - no need for workouts - just call me at 6-03-21697704 or email and I'll be happy to share details.


Friday, November 4, 2011

Profit from Feedback!

Did you hear about when a group of senior marketers grouped in a kiddies playroom and delightfully messed around with crayons and other play-stuff?  LOL, yeah?  Well, what they were doing was to get to the actual experience of the kids using their products!

Just like when I described a very interesting, award-winning invention for personal safety to a middle-aged Mum.  "Hmmmmm" she said "what if the teen forgets to adjust the mechanism and it goes off falsely alerting parents and friends?"  GOOD point! And then she went on to suggest how to tweak the gadget.

Really, really, however great a product or service may be in its design, only when it is in the hands of the end-user does its true practicality show! And you know what? That goes for services too!  Yonks ago a regional company wanted to get feedback from its Heads of Departments and requested a facilitation session with a difference.  The venue was to be luxurious; the room was to be large, spacious and comfortable so that they could lounge around on day couches to the strains of evocative music or even stroll around in the gardens outside - all this to induce their creative juices into identifying which company-type to acquire so that they could expand!  Now, did you see THAT coming?  It was one of the more interesting sessions I have facilitated, and at the end of the day VOILA! the profile of their ideal company to buy over, surfaced. :)

So, whether you are selling a product or service, are big or small, getting honest feedback from your paying customers can actually increase your profits.  Sure, those standard survey forms help, but you can do even better by getting candid comments about how to get more sales.  Want some suggestions about HOW? Call me at 6-03-21697704 or email