Tuesday, August 24, 2010

HELLO???? Remember my promise?

Hello!!! Can you hear me? HELLO??????

She was obviously driving and having difficulty in hearing our conversation, BUT extremely focused about getting her message across and not allowing anything to deter her purpose.
Networker had approached me several times previously about getting some tips for expanding her business – nothing extraordinary about that. What made her stand out in the crowd is that one fine day she called and said “I’d like to do something for you because you have helped me” Oh! “What do you have in mind?” I asked. She said please give me half an hour of your time so that I can understand your business. Hmmmm? “Why?” “Well” she said, “I meet many people and if I understand your business better, then I can refer people to you.” Nice thought; nice person, how can I be churlish and refuse? So we met in a little cafĂ© and she asked all the questions she wanted. I couldn’t help but be touched by her gesture of appreciation. End of story, right? Wrong!

Long after I had forgotten about the incident, I received this very insistent phone call. Why? Because Networker was SO excited about having been able to refer me to a high ranking person who would be interested in my process for blended learning and she had opened the way for a meeting! What an absolute sweetheart!

See, I told you there ARE genuinely nice people around, didn’t I? :D! Am so blessed to know some of them; but more than that, this Networker is steadily building her Brand Credibility among those whom she meets. And you know what? We’re ALL going to be very pleased to be able to refer business to her! YES WE ARE!

Want some tips on how you can build YOUR brand’s credibility and a pipeline of business from raving fans? Just call me 6-03-2169774 and let’s chat a while and get you more $$$!


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