Saturday, July 10, 2010

Just HOW old are you?

Personal Branding in Business

Emotional energy was still sky high and people were buzzing with mutual appreciation after a rip-roaring Convention. You know, just reading all the positive comments was uplifting in itself? One of the small groups exchanged verbal pats on the back fast and furiously on Face Book, and a particular post had me chuckling. It referred to its success being credited to its variety of members, describing some as 50 looking like 30 and others who were 30 looking like 40. Ha ha ha! Visual appearances carry so much weight don’t they? A whopping 55% of first impressions it’s said?

Then, a couple of days later I was conversing with a trainer who had been referred as being interested in what I was doing. She was thrilled by the benefits of blended learning, but, but, but, “I’m 60 you know – this is new” she said, as if chronological age matters. Hello? If you’re alive and well that’s all it takes to love what you’re doing and embrace it with gusto!

Just pick up any magazine (not talking sensational tabloids okay?) and you’ll see beautiful people of ALL ages, yes wrinkles, and all. In fact, with health care having improved, 60 is the new 40 in looks, and 50 is the new 30 – if you want it to be so. It’s an attitude, and not a number. And that’s not new either! My much admired late father was ever youthful and cheekily effervescent, bless him; that too without sacrificing being disciplined or serious as and when appropriate. I could easily understand what the writer of the post meant about not looking as could stereotypically be expected, as being a good thing.

So what are we on about here? The bottom line is, we project what we feel. When people feel decrepit they behave that way (even at 30!), and when they are internally exuberant, their youthfulness just permeates everything about them, even at 80. Ever met someone bubbly like that? And that’s a key part of personal branding – the personal impact that tells onlookers what to count on you to deliver! So attractive – and moreover, what a POWERFUL business tool!!

If you’d like a quick consultation on concerns you may have about your personal branding, call (6-03) 21697704 to set an appointment? I'd answer questions you may have about perceptions others may have about how you are going about projecting your business image and be happy to make suggestions on how to align what you are doing with how you'd like to be perceived.


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