Saturday, April 14, 2012

Brand Suicide or Brand Positioning?

My eyes widened as he stood up - his shirt was un-ironed, is blue jeans were inappropriate for the formal meeting, and he (ahem!) wasn't wearing any socks with his shoes. Ah well, perhaps I was being too picky?

We were a small group of trainers and training providers, discussing the contents for a couple of long-term programs to groom future leaders in large establishments.  I left that meeting feeling very, very uncomfortable, and the same day I called the project leader to withdraw my services, despite the loss of income :(  Why? Well, for 2 reasons really: 1) during the discussion the trainer behaved aggressively while positioning himself as a role-model; 2) the host had earlier referred to him as a junior trainer.  And here we were discussing how to groom and coach junior staff to think and behave strategically and competitively?  Something was misaligned, shouting Brand Dissonance!!!

Perhaps the trainer wanted to look and sound in ways which he felt would appeal to the junior staff, but, HOW would that move them up towards a higher level of thinking?  I had to consider being associated with that - if the client was dissatisfied, it would reflect badly on the whole team of trainers!  Brand Association is very important to naming your price. btw, the host confirmed my services for another project immediately although I declined this one.

Branding is largely about perception, and that is what customers pay high or low prices for - the value they perceive they will receive for their $, while repeat business depends on whether they are satisfied with your deliverables.  And it does help to get an objective opinion about how you are being perceived, so that your Brand Value is being raised or maintained.  What do YOU want to be?  A Wal Mart / Kopitiam, Harrods / Starbucks or something in-between?  Are you living out your brand?

If you'd like an audit of the Brand Image you are projecting, do call me at 6-03-21697704 or write to and I'll be glad to discuss it.