There are SO MANY cash-rich businesses around with no brand attachment, except a healthy bottom line to the company's name. And the name of their game is prudent financial management, with shareholders & stakeholders reaping lucrative rewards via cash and benefits.
So then, is formal (visual) branding even necessary? Weeeeell, that depends on you, really, Where do YOU want to take your business? Promoting the experience offered by your brand can attract investors galore, even when they don't know you but know its attributes. Think about it: even charities receive donations based on their Brand i.e. what their relationships amount to, don't they?
Yes, the bottom-line IS about sustainability and cash-flow is THE life-blood of any business, but the crux lies in HOW the $ are earned. If we can understand that at the core lies the appeal of the Brand then we will understand sustainability as being how continual wealth is assured via intangible assets. Think about a family sundry shop being bought over by a 7eleven and be paid to run it? Or the legendary buy-outs which launch overnight millionaires? The real gains are not the brick-and-mortar, but the profitable relationships which merge to shout out the Brand.
Cash may be the ruling King indeed, but it is the calibre of support by the Queen and courtiers which make or break the reign. If cash runs short, it is the ability to get more of it - the components and structures of your Brand - which generates more cash. Do your operations and support protect or dilute the essence of your business offer? It is well worth charting, for long-term profitability.
Are you ready to move onto greater growth, stability and better management of environmental risks? Just call me at 6-03-21697704 or email and we can align the qualities of your current offers and anchor your Brand for continual growth.